Poll: Lara Pulver vs. Milla Jovovich

Lara Pulver

Lara Pulver

Milla Jovovich Nude

Milla Jovovich

Lara Pulver or Milla Jovovich?

  • Milla Jovovich (79%, 8,331 Votes)
  • Lara Pulver (21%, 2,172 Votes)

Total Voters: 10,492

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14 thoughts on “Poll: Lara Pulver vs. Milla Jovovich

        1. Zippo

          …but I’m a lover not a fighter…so I prefer to suck or lick balls…or suck or lick shit….but I’m not into fighting dogs….

  1. Spankmaster

    Zippo the lighter has a right to say whatever horseshit he likes…providing it is a he. I only say that to be politically correct in this day and age, as his preferences range on every sexual level, leaving him somewhat ambiguous to say the least. As for this contest, it is Milla all the way, because at least we know she is a capable actress and flauntist…


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