Poll: Shannon Elizabeth vs. Alyssa Milano

Shannon Elizabeth Nude

Shannon Elizabeth

Alyssa Milano Nude

Alyssa Milano

Shannon Elizabeth or Alyssa Milano?

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15 thoughts on “Poll: Shannon Elizabeth vs. Alyssa Milano

    1. blah

      Yea, but look at what they look like in 2016. One is still very attractive, the other is a mess clinging to social justice causes to maintain relevance. Seems like Charmed can do that to a gal.

  1. Turlough

    This is a tough one, there isn’t much to choose between them. But I had a real crush on Alyssa Milano growing up, so for sentimental reasons I’ll pick her.

  2. Turlough

    This is a tough one, as there isn’t much to choose between them, but I had a big crush on Alyssa Milano growing up, so I think I’ll opt for her.

  3. Stiffler

    Tough call but Shannon Elizabeth’s stripping and bating scene in American Pie is legendary and one of the first nude scenes I ever saw so she gets my vote.

  4. Spankmaster

    I’ll just have both, fuck them both ruthlessly at the same time and then laugh at all your poor, sad fuckers who got left out…


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