Poll: Sophie Turner vs. Emma Stone

Sophie Turner

Emma Stone

Sophie Turner or Emma Stone?

  • Sophie Turner (51%, 25,915 Votes)
  • Emma Stone (49%, 24,973 Votes)

Total Voters: 50,888

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19 thoughts on “Poll: Sophie Turner vs. Emma Stone

  1. Turlough

    This is a really tough one, as they are both absolutely gorgeous. I think I’d go for Sophie. Emma is marginally prettier but Sophie has a better body. There’s not much between them, though.

  2. zippo

    Emma has personality whereas Sophie has none….and yes as this is a contest to see who is the sexier one, Sophie is here….

  3. thelawsofattraction

    I don’t find Sophie Turner particularly attractive. But Emma Stone is positively unattractive.

  4. Get Real

    Emma easily. she’s much prettier and doesn’t have man jaw going on. The Game of Dorks nerds pump up every girl on that show in every poll.

      1. Spankmaster

        Yes, but red hair suits her better. And whenever she has red hair, she is an absolute goddess. Don’t spoil my dreams and I won’t spoil yours, okay? I will no fap happily…


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