Poll: What country has the hottest women?


Hottest women, what country?

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41 thoughts on “Poll: What country has the hottest women?

    1. Dobby

      Thank you, Americans look like dogs, half of the ones that are American arent even actually American. They don’t even have there own history ffs.

  1. Bandit's Dad

    America haha what a laugh. It’s cheating if there’s 800% more woman to be attracted to. Get it? Because you’re all fat.

    1. Tintin

      United States along with Canada is one of the seven continents which no one has yet mentioned, this generally happens when people use both hands for two different purposes at the same time so no one should call each other names and judge the other’s intelligence..

  2. *face palm*

    Honestly, for me, this is a low point for the internet. North America is a continent. America, you know, the United States of America, that’s a country.

    Really, I just need to tell myself these three are trolling. No actual way you could be the much of a dick.

  3. sergey sergeyevich sergeyev

    eastern european beuty is painful particurlarly czech republic or ukraine. unlike their western counterparts eastern womyn don,t have sense of entitlement will show u there pussies easily. western womyn r untalented, won,t strip in front of a camera yet they want to get famous – wtf is world is coming to

  4. Jay D

    Every country that has makeup lol U.k. Is not a country either yall missed that. I’ll say India or Brazil. also why only Caucasian people in the people of color are beautiful.

  5. pharoahegypt

    For all those retards saying America is not a country; it is! North America is the continent, made up of America aka United States, and Canada. But I’m not surprised so many of those Americans calling for their women to be the sexiest; supreme confidence/arrogance never has been an issue with our cousins across the pond.
    As a Brit I have to say for me I’d veer for some of those South American hotties, but more those around the North/Central American region, as so many of those Brazilians ladies aren’t actually ladies at all….lol. As for the Argies; (hucks up big ball of spit) Viva The Falklands; Las Malvinas? Pfftt!! No chance!!

    1. Bellend

      No. North America is made up of 23 countries, it includes the Caribbean and the central region of the Americas (Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama etc.). America is the term used to mean both North AND South America. Google it…

      Also, the British are the fugliest people of any civilised country easily. I’m not counting the War torn, dirt poor, rotten gutter countries so that’s a consolation for you I guess.

  6. PuppyMonkeyBaby

    There is no country with the “hottest women” Because “hot women” resides on every corner of this Earth.

    And what one man definition of “hot” is. Will greatly differ from the next man’s.

    PUPPYMONKEYBABY is tired of seeing these idiotic “polls” 🙁

  7. Monster

    Asia : Philippines, Japan, and Singapore

    Middle East : Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel

    Europe : Italy, Sweden, and Norway

    Africa : Egypt, Kenya, and South Africa

    Americas : Colombia, Brazil, and Cuba

    I think most people can agree with this list…..

  8. elu

    It’s definitely not America since they have the highest obesity levels… Scandinavian or Latin American countries though

  9. Dad

    Anyone who voted for Brazil has never been there. It is NOT a place where you find millions of super models. The overwhelming majority of them are OBESE. It’s disgusting and disappointing. DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!

  10. Doug

    Scientifically speaking, beauty in general means facial symmetry which is achieved through high genetic diversity which allows recessive traits to suppressed and dominant traits to be expressed. In other words, countries with high range of racial diversity and exposure to countless empire conquest means “the hottest women”


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