Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner? Whose cover of Love Magazine gets your juices flowing the fastest?
Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner?
- Kendall Jenner (78%, 22,166 Votes)
- Kim Kardashian (22%, 6,206 Votes)
Total Voters: 28,372

Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner? Whose cover of Love Magazine gets your juices flowing the fastest?
Kim Kardashian or Kendall Jenner?
Total Voters: 28,372
English= difficult language
Is it me or does Kim look like Kendall?
Truly neither one works for me
Kendall could get my juices flowing, but Kim could stop it in an instant.
both are worthless pig whores and you are a fucking cunt for putting them on your site. PIG WHOREZZZ! I’d rather fuck a pile of fire ants than even be in the same room as any kardashian.
Someone here has some serious anger issues. If you don’t like the shit don’t click on the link, simple as that. BTW while you’re at it why don’t you go ahead and move out of your parents basement.
capt obvious, would you like to gobble my cock now or wait till after you get a chance to eat dinner?
Am I the only one who thinks Cara Delevingne is fuck ugly?
Obviously the hottest of these chicks is Cara
Maybe Kendall is a man since her dad turned out to be a fucking woman, I mean look at the fuckin butt chin.
The Fappening, You’r going to have to put a like button on for the comments. Some of these are making me cry with laughter. 🙂