PrimePornList is the best place to find safe and quality porn sites!

Some time ago I did a post about and asked you for suggestions. I can easily say that now this is the best porn website of this kind for me at the moment and let me tell you why.

First of all, you won’t find any shitty sites that will try to fuck your browser up with bullshit ads and tons of popups/popunders.

Second, websites get listed because they are safe, fast, with good content and not because they link back or pay to be listed. is probably the only one list, who will add sites without asking anything in return, as long as the suggested website deserves to be added. That said, you can be sure to see only the most excellent web pages and no bullshit.

Finally, Prime Porn List reviews every single site with short, but on the point review, which touches most/all of the essential facts of the website.

At the moment there are over 30 different categories and over 300 sites listed. I’d say it’s better to have 300 quality websites than 750+ of which tons are garbage that will eventually put cancer into you. Don’t you think so?

P.S. You can make this porn list even better! All you need to do is suggest good adult-related / porn websites by sending email to the webmaster at [email protected] Remember, it doesn’t cost you anything, but you can be a part of making the best porn sites list on the Internet.

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