I like Rita Ora a lot…I mean A LOT…but when will these pop stars realise that these jumpsuit/catsuit things are not that flattering? She’s got a great body, but she’s looked better than this. Taylor Swift is the same; her current stage attire doesn’t do her any favours either.
Add 25 lbs & she’s a nobody
Don’t add it and she’s hot as fuck
thats why she slaves away in the gym and obsesses over her appearance so much
like a trained dog on a leash
If only they were all as fat as you nacho.
I think she is quite hot usually but that outfit is not sexy. Looks like big birds used tampon!
I like Rita Ora a lot…I mean A LOT…but when will these pop stars realise that these jumpsuit/catsuit things are not that flattering? She’s got a great body, but she’s looked better than this. Taylor Swift is the same; her current stage attire doesn’t do her any favours either.
She looks like one of the Fireys from the Jim Henson film Labyrinth in that costume.
I can’t fap to this because it really freaked me out as a kid how they would detach their heads and throw them about.