Robin Tunney arrives at Variety and Women in Film Emmy Nominee Celebration in Los Angeles, 09/15/2017. Robin Tunney is an actress (Open Window (2006)). Age: 45 (born June 19, 1972).
Robin Tunney arrives at Variety and Women in Film Emmy Nominee Celebration in Los Angeles, 09/15/2017. Robin Tunney is an actress (Open Window (2006)). Age: 45 (born June 19, 1972).
The sag is strong in this one…
Sexy !!
was this the saggy award or what it is called ?
Deflate gate 2017
Gravity has not been kind, still hot tho!
Those saggy tits have more character and turn on potential than most fake trashcan tits you see on most celebs now.
Somethings seriously wrong with her face. Maybe she got run over, by a lawnmower?
You all still would though, don’t kid yourself.
Rite. i suppose some desperate ol wrinkly baby wanna some milky milky
Shedding a tear for her once spectacular tits. Time waits for no one. :'(
I think she is extremely hot. Really good looking woman.
How guys can not like saggy tits? They’re awesome
Damn TIME is a biaatchhhh…She used to be BEAUTIFUL back in the day…
Women don’t age well. By 35 most of them become undesireable, and by 45 they are pretty much unfuckable. This is because a woman’s attractiveness is based largely on youth and on everything being tight and firm. Men, on the other hand, have boyish good looks when they are young, and develop more masculine good looks as they age. Men can retain their physical desirability (unless they let themselves go and get fat) well into their 50s.
I remember her in that movie Vertical Limit with Chris O’Donnell. They were both attractive then. Nowadays he’s still pretty good-looking but she is not… and he’s older than her!
Still would. Fuck it why wouldn’t I?
She looks mad
yeh Like Rabies mad
it’s the tits after you have children . Every woman who have children will have saggy tits one day . Go educate yourself guys
And yet she’s still 100x hotter than that skank Bella Thorne with her bolt ons
There ain’t a damn thing wrong with those titties. I’d be more than happy to fondle and suck on them.
People act like a bit of breast sag is leprosy. She is 45 years old. Thats what happens to breasts over time.
I don’t like fried eggs, thanks, though
Come on guys she has just had a kid, what do you expect? Lets focus on the positives, her face is still pretty good for 45.
You’re kidding, right?
“Nothing fucks you harder than time!”
Ser Davos Seaworth
The milk’s gone bad! Still got the face though, was epically stunning back in the day in The Craft. Such a ball draining little hottie back then.
That tit is dead
Better saggy and soft than fake and hard as a basketball.