13 thoughts on “Sara Jean Underwood Naked (7 Photos)

    1. Georgia97

      If you could read you would understand the post, you giant nitwit. Your momma should’ve just punched you in the head and sold the milk.

      1. Devin

        In fairness, this site isn’t really about wallpaper sizes. It’s a nice gesture, but it would be much better if it were put in the title/headline/link. Instead of allowing people to assume it’s more than one unique pic.

        State that it’s for wallpapers in the title.

      2. klawicki

        Georgia…your joking, right? What kind of fucking idiot comes here…or ANYWHERE…to get fucking wallpapers of nude women? Who the fuck uses wallpapers at all anymore, let alone would be SO lifelong virginal to have naked women on them?

        No one is coming here to download a wallpaper and he knows it.

  1. American Douchebag

    I think I figured it out. There’s more than one person named crapper and not a single one of them give a fuck about our comments.


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