Sara Underwood Naked The Fappening (26 Photos)

Former professional poker player and actress Sara Jean Underwood constantly pleases TFB members her candid naked photos. She loves her job, because she’s a freelance model and and earns money on her hobby.

The 34-year-old American blonde shares new pictures almost every day and she’s one of the best social media personality. Sara has more than 8.9m followers!

Look at the HQ scans of her old photo shoot for ‘Muse’ Fappening project.




16 thoughts on “Sara Underwood Naked The Fappening (26 Photos)

  1. GrammarCheckr

    Gawd, she was soooo fucking gorgeous before she fucked up her face and body with all the plastic surgery

  2. The fuck outta here with that shit

    Stop trying to take credit for all these pics & vids… you’re not the “source” you’ve simply stolen the images & vids and then re-uploaded other people’s work. Next you fuckers are gonna claim you were the “photographers” at the photo shoots. You’re the “source” the same way people who upload stolen movies & tv shows are the “directors”.

  3. Site Admin Sucks

    Jesus christs stop putting “fappening” on every post. These have absolutely nothing to do with the Fappening.

  4. uncle

    You are stating a dangerous precidence having naked women under a a naked title.
    People will come to expect it more often.

  5. s.smith

    She does still have a vagina,I thought she’d had it removed.I couldnt fuck her,I’d feel too inferior

  6. AJ

    Ok, so let’s play a game. Every time Craphead posts, let’s see who can find the consistent grammatical fuck ups first. The winner gets a weekend at his momma’s house.

    Just to give you an example:
    “Former professional poker player and actress Sara Jean Underwood constantly pleases TFB members her candid naked photos. She loves her job, because she’s a freelance model and and earns money on her hobby.”

    Found them already? Very sad.

  7. C

    These are old photos. Proof is in the fake tits she has now while the ones in these photos are real

    1. Albert E

      Wow,genius, it sure is great that you were able to figure that out considering the rest of us just read it in the headline.


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