29 thoughts on “Sara Underwood See Through (6 Pics + Gif)

  1. Anon

    Such a fucking tease. That netting barely covers her. I’d pull it off and fuck her right in that clearing!

    1. nacho

      You are completely guided by basic biological impulses.
      IOW, you’re no different than a monkey in the congo.

    2. aywees

      Huh, really? Do you think such things gonna make you happy? I don’t think at all boy… you will realize how deviated was to write this… First a girl is not a doll thing to give you the right for deviated fetishes what you see at porn movies has nothing to deal with sex or love dude so don’t get confused .. And second a sweetheart and humble girl as she is would never allow even to drink something next to a dude with such a rude attitude as childish things you said… I truly believe you as other males would understand this as just as good for men to be gentleman and themselves polite when address to a girl, baby. Okay.

  2. Prick James

    Poor Sara is trying so hard, she spends so much money on these photo shoots (my friend has done shoots for her, she’s not getting paid by anyone, she pays for these shoots herself) thinking she’s going to finally get her big break in tv, movies, or meet a rich dude. She knows time is running out every day on her looks.

    1. Jp_7ΩΗΜ2_LV

      Yeah she spends so much of her own money… Exclet she gets that cash from patreon and all the suckers that either can’t get laid or missed all the times she did playboy. That’d be hard to do though. Regardless, she doesn’t need to pay for hardly anything, there’s enough people willing to take care of her the rest of her life I bet.

    1. Weman

      And seems you as other maybe confused about this word meaning… Showing your body is not being a slut it’s called confidence… So chill and think as a wise and polite man than to make such affirmations have a good day.

    1. Wunna

      And better than spread these childish lies when the truth is you don’t know anything about her would you mind to try to be at least polite when you address to a girl? Otherwise don’t waste the time writing such things okay.

    1. nowa

      Ya maybe don’t realize how stupid and waste of time is to fap when you could look to have a job and a girlfriend better than to browse such website.

      1. Jp_7ΩΗΜ2_LV

        Excuse me, I have a question. Aren’t you on the same site wasting time lecturing some random person about working and getting a girlfriend? Who knows, maybe homie is swimmin’ in hoes but likes Sara? I know I still check her out, especially when I’m on one. Maybe you shouldn’t worry about what other people are doing on a site for rubbin’ out your issues?

        1. nowa

          Excuse me teen man but there’s a lot of adult entertainment for such things you described like rub out the issues so there’s no reason for such a website. The difference is when beside sarcams jokes this website guys might learn to type decent comments show the appreciation for a model girl as smart and good ones that’s it dear man.

        2. nowa

          ” is swimmin’ in hoes but likes Sara ” let’s be serious my boy 😀
          I would like to let you know from an older man perspective there’s no such a thing being a man swimmin’ in hoes to ever browse such a website… And by the way yes Sara she’s a beauty 🙂


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