Selena Gomez Pokies (3 Photos)

New paparazzi photos of Selena Gomez braless at at LAX, 11/24/15. Selena Gomez is an American actress and singer. Age 23 (July 22, 1992).


Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez  Selena-Gomez-Pokies-7

8 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Pokies (3 Photos)

  1. Bandit

    Someone give this disgusting taco a bra. It’s like it’s impossible for her to spend a day without attention whoring.

    1. MapleSyrup

      Yo Bandit, there’re thousands of girls on this site. If you don’t like what you see in Selena, gtfo. If you just bitchin to bitch, stfu.

  2. Tom

    So to follow your logic, she gets up, calls the press and says “I’m going out whoring?” Here’s a little know fact about the Internet: you don’t have to look.

  3. Bob

    Yo Bandit. GFYS. If you don’t like my nieces outfits (Probably jealous that the clothes don’t fit you), don’t look. Who wants to listen to your lame disgusting comments. I got your taco hanging mofo.


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