New screenshots and clips with Shanola Hampton (as Veronica Fisher) and Isidora Goreshter (as Svetlana) from Shameless (2016) s07e03.
Shanola Hampton is an American actress (“Criminal Minds” (TV), “Scrubs” (TV)). Age 39 (May 27, 1977).
Isidora Goreshter is an American actress (Paranoia (2013), T Is for Twig (2012)).
Veronica and Svetlana perform for some old man wearing sexy lingerie and pasties!
A nice overhead shot of Veronica’s shakers as she showers!
I want that old man’s role and a bevy of honeys…nice salt and pepper…..
Is that a shot of Shanola Hampton’s pussy lip? NICE! I started checking out this show just to see her big ol’ titties.