Sigourney Weaver Nude – Half Moon Street (1986)

Screenshots and clips with 36 y-o Sigourney Weaver (as Lauren) from Half Moon Street (1986). Sigourney Weaver is an American actress and film producer. Age: 66 (October 8, 1949).

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The plumbing is busted, but the Lauren’s body looked just fine.

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Sigourney Weaver Nude 5Lauren makes up her face

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Riding an exercise bike and taking a shower.

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Lauren has a sexy dream sequence.

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Lauren chatting in the bed with Lord Bulbeck (Michael Caine).

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Oh, wet tits!

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9 thoughts on “Sigourney Weaver Nude – Half Moon Street (1986)

  1. SoKo

    The only time I thought she was sexy, was at the end of alien, after she blows up the ship and is stripping off, in those teeny tiny panties she was wearing.

    Jesus, that was hot.

    Here you go.

    1. Burke

      Originally that scene was supposed to be shot with her naked and at the start of the movie when the crew were awakened from hypersleep they were supposed to be naked instead of in their underwear but the studio considered it “pornographic” and it was changed.


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