5 thoughts on “Skye Blue Nude & Sexy (10 Photos)

  1. Spooky

    Everything about this girls body is incredible,except I find tattoos on a girl very unattractive. But that’s just me. To each his own. Still,she is stunningly hot.

  2. Professor Wank

    Meh. The only blue I like is the blue in blue balls. It happens to my homies, aka homos more than you think. Seems nobody can crank their wanker like yours truly. So they get a little ESB (excess sperm buildup) but when it releases its like “KERPOW” and “KAPLEWIE” just like the old batman shows. I’m a custard crusader after all and my own super hero so what did you expect? Time to teach that Vienna villain a lesson. Grrrr….wanking my tiny little wiener….wiener spitzel….activate!!!!

    Attention whoring joke, not to be confused with joker, feel free to leave your pathetic comments below. I still won’t read them even if you shine the custard crusader signal in the sky.


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