24 thoughts on “Top 100. The Most Popular Naked Celebrities of October 2018

  1. id rather jerk to furry porn

    Notice how there’s no kerry kotana or maitland ward on here?
    No demand for those ugly ass sluts

  2. Pscpro

    Sarah Underwood is only leading the list bc she’s posted 1000 times a day on this site. In reality, she’s just another model.

    If you posted her as often as everyone else her numbers would dissipate.

  3. aiwendil

    Sara Jean Underwood really deserves to be on the top. But Genevieve Morton deserves to be at a much higher position.

  4. mervin

    Ha! Fapper should take it as a sign that his favorite skank, Matilda Ward isn’t even on the list. No one wants to see that ugly, dogged face whore.


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