Valentina Fradegrada Nude & Sexy (247 Photos + GIFs & Videos)

Here’s a new Nude&Sexy Photo&Video collection of Valentina Fradegrada. Valentina Fradegrada is a 27-year-old model and social media personality from Italy. She has more than 777k Instagram followers.

Valentina is known for her quality of modeling semi-naked pictures in various beautiful locations. The owner of a luxurious body has found more than a creative way to wear a bikini top. She is best known for being the founder of and model for UpsideDown Bikini.

The girl was born in Bergamo (a town in the Italian region of Lombardy), she has published content in her blog about fashion, and then opened Instagram – that’s where the real audience and earnings.


Playboy Mexico (August 2018)





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Thanks to T B for the info!

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