Victoria Justice & Madison Reed Sexy (3 Photos)

Sisters Victoria Justice and Madison Reed show off their slim bodies on vacation in Tulum – Instagram, Twitter, 05/26/2017.

10 thoughts on “Victoria Justice & Madison Reed Sexy (3 Photos)

    1. zippo

      well according to those who know every fucking thing medical and Hollywood, these chicks are eaten up with herpes…..and hell yeah I’d much rather have a bigger chick than these stick figures…go fuck yourself, jackass….

      1. Duh

        I don’t believe everything published by those highly acclaimed sources you failed to mention. Good comeback though with another juvenile response. Does your mommy know you look at porn on the internet?

        1. but

          did you guys not see the pictures of madison reed’s snatch? she obviously had herpes. it doesn’t take a doctor to diagnose that.

          1. Duh

            Excellent catch. I did not connect this to the previous reed post you cited. Quite frankly, I don’t know much about her. What I do find amusing is how zippo, the idiot equipped to share his dunce cap with everybody, didn’t believe she had anything then and was calling out all the “idiots” who thought differently. His brain is smaller than his dick. Typical douche talking out both sides of his gaping ass. Check out post as another example of the idiot’s rantings.


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