Check out the topless and sexy pictures of Viki Odintcova. according to the our member, she is the hottest woman in the world! What do you think? Viktoria (Viki) Odintcova is a Russian model. Age: 24 years old. Height: 173 cm.
Thanks to Tom for the info!
Your member talks to you, Crapper?
Mine just throbs a bit, now and then. Maybe it’s Morse code.
And the Morse code says: you are both faggots.
says the person using morse code, which in itself is code for fag
When is this one gonna show up in the Russian sex club swingers orgy?
Your ‘Member’ wears a Russian ‘Member’s Only’ Jacket from the 80’s because there has been numerous women of her caliber over the recent years.
Alejandra Guilmant is the hottest girl on the planet. Pure perfection.
umm..she’s just a big of a butterface as Emily
She’s Russian and therefore that makes her my bride. Fuck the lot of you who don’t like it. I know I certainly will…
WHY DO I JACKOFF ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! It’s so fucking fun to cum all over my chest and hands. Please help me stop jacking off. I dont know how to stop!! I cum 9 times a day!!
This set is as worthless as the poster’s life.
All your lives are worthless; you’re conscious clumps of shit flowing through canals of crap