What are your favorite celebrity porn websites?

My friend from PrimePornList.com asked me the other day if I had any website suggestions for his . Most of the sites I had suggested to him were already on his list, but I figured I’d ask YOU, my fellow users, what celeb sites you usually frequent on these cold winter days.

In addition, tell what other good porn sites you visit and like (doesn’t matter, free or premium) because PrimePornList is trying to make the best natural porn list that has all the best adult-related sites.

You can let me know in comments below, or email my friend at [email protected]

I can’t wait to hear your suggestions!

20 thoughts on “What are your favorite celebrity porn websites?

  1. Stupid shit

    All the free porn sites should be avoided like pornhub-xhamster-spankbang they’re filled with like 90% gay cuck porn those closet case idiots upload and try claim it’s “straight porn” (which it’s not) cause they can’t admit to themselves they wanna fuck guys. Those idiots running the site only care about page views and not the fact that their “straight” sections are filled with mostly Gay cuck porn which is something only closet cases/ fags are into.

    1. Vorbity

      I think you mean celebritymoviearchive.com. It is a pay type site, I go there to see what scenes celebs are in for reference.


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