21 thoughts on “World Naked Bike Ride (57 Photos)

  1. Lame

    You can find better porn on the internet. Not sure why so many people are standing on the sidewalks filming this. Hell you could hire a hot girl to film naked off the internet just have her bring ID an sign the forms.

  2. The Batman

    lol basically just an excuse to have a good ol’ perv without breaking the law 😀 😀

  3. Dong-hold Rump

    What I find offencive about these pics is that it is a naked bike ride and there are a lot of people wearing pants or pasties, and those people cheating by wearing clothes are not bothering with helmets!

    What must they be thinking? “Oh it doesn’t matter if I slip and my skull cracks open on the road like a big egg, but I really don’t want anyone seeing my tuppence!”


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