Ava Sambora Sexy (13 Photos)

Here are the bikini photos of Ava Sambora from Instagram (2017-2018). Ava Sambora is an actress. Age: 20 (October 4, 1997).



14 thoughts on “Ava Sambora Sexy (13 Photos)

  1. numb

    lol this girl try so hard not to look at the camera.
    probably had thousands of snaps and just pick few to post it on her ig or snapchat or whatever


    Goddamn what is that for a world everywhere you look tangas curling out through ass grooves, breasts swell out, fuck me views of overmoulded model sluts, on every private channel in every magazine and newspaper, in every advertisement, everything is about sex, FUCKING, PORN, suck, LICKING, pussies, youporn, COCKS, at night in the disco they are looking for fresh meat. THIS IS PORNO HOLOCAUST, this world drowns in CUM and CUNT JUICE.. PORNO HOLOCAUST

  3. Captain Obvious

    If a 20yr old gets to go to Bora Bora for vacation, what the fuck does she have to look forward to in life, apart from oppressing the poor? Entitled see-you-next-tuesday.


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