1. 😎 👍

carrie Underwood

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем cliffcliff26, 17 ноя 2014.

  1. cliffcliff26

    cliffcliff26 New Member

    Does anyone have any leaked pictures of carrie underwood
  2. If they haven't been posted then they aren't on here..and this isn't the request thread btw
    Jake Adams и Gnor1 нравится это.
  3. cliffcliff26

    cliffcliff26 New Member

    First off this wasn't a request it was a question so before you start to respond to someone's post make sure you understand it.
  4. rmbeckham2323

    rmbeckham2323 New Member

    Ask if anyone has something is requesting to see it? Or were you looking for me to tell you yes I have tons of her naked and not want to see them?
    Jake Adams нравится это.
  5. The point is this isn't the thread for it this is a thread to post the pics and there is a thread called "requests" where you can ask if anyone has pics of certain celebs..asking for the pics is requesting them because requesting is asking..so before you start getting all butthurt about my comment maybe you need to read up on what a request is..because when you ask someone something you are asking a request of them so yes you were requesting pics of carrie underwood..I rest my case
    Jake Adams нравится это.
  6. Jake Adams

    Jake Adams Active Member

    Where's a good mod when you need one.

    These people need Jesus, or their parents need or change the password on the parental controls.
    EvilPrince2800 нравится это.
  7. Lol I know you aren't meaning me cause I'm making sense but yeah I agree some people do need their internet password changed

  8. A+ on being idiot of the year
    whatever innit1981 и tommytban нравится это.
  9. Gazoo

    Gazoo New Member

    Would love all you fakers out there to make a picture of her biting the head off a chicken or something, she is so fucking annoying with her political, animal rights bullshit, I wanna see her acting like a werewolf, lol of course tastefully naked too
  10. BigDiesel

    BigDiesel New Member

    what this guy said.
    Allen_Harper нравится это.