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Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем Fagahaj, 25 авг 2017.

  1. Fagahaj

    Fagahaj New Member



    • IMG_0378.JPG
      Размер файла:
      128,4 КБ
    Carey mahoney нравится это.
  2. vanriot

    vanriot New Member

    That really doesn't look like her.
  3. N_i_x

    N_i_x Member

    More like Really Old
  4. Trumpetboy

    Trumpetboy New Member

    That is when she was much younger before NXT
    N_i_x нравится это.
  5. BaconMcTits

    BaconMcTits New Member

    This pic is old and I'm not talkin g about date taken, I'm talking about how it's been posted for a long time.
  6. ianmac

    ianmac Member

    Probably an old MySpace picture.
    N_i_x нравится это.
  7. XXX_97

    XXX_97 New Member

    Why even bother posting this? She posts a bunch of pics on her social media, that are way more revealing than this.
  8. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    She posts pics of basically her bare ass all the time on Instagram and youre concerned with a pic from 2013
  9. amazingred

    amazingred Member

    Dammit, seeing this got me really excited.
  10. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    She must've pissed someone off in WWE. She jobs to every woman on Raw these days.
  11. rmfgotenks

    rmfgotenks New Member

    You do realize that complaining about someone losing a lot in the WWE is like complaining about Team Rocket jobbing to Ash all the time in Pokémon, right? A wrestler doesn't worry much about win/loss records. It's more about job security. Heath Slater said it best when reading a mean tweet about the same subject. "Yeah I lose a lot. So what, right. I'm rich."
  12. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    No, many wrestlers get pissed about not getting the push they deserve. Send your quote to Rusev see if he agrees with you.

    EDIT Using Slater is a shit way to back up your claim, he's a prime example of someone that's thankful he's still on the company books. He would say that.
    Hobbygrafen нравится это.
  13. rmfgotenks

    rmfgotenks New Member

    In some cases, yeah. It's like an employee campaigning for a promotion. But that's usually for storylines. There are those that wants a championship to add to their legacy. The ones that are really serious about getting those championships are the ones that either leave the company, or don't sign up when asked to. Take Christian for example. He was stuck in his CLB gimmick but wanted to do more. He left WWE and went to TNA. After being there for a few years he came back to the WWE with a repackaged character and became a 2 time World Champion. AJ Styles didn't sign with them until his name was worth more. Cody left so he could make his name worth more. If they are complaining, it's usually to build a rebel fanbase who doesn't want to see the usual suspects at the top. For some it doesn't work out that well. Like when DLow Brown tried it way back when. Otherwise if they were really serious, they would leave and add more credibility to their character.
  14. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    Thats not even slightly true. More wins > more exposure > more opportunities >more money. There's a reason why John Cena lives in a mansion in LA and summer rae lives in an apartment in Orlando.
    alaska, Hobbygrafen и Ice Pop нравится это.
  15. rmfgotenks

    rmfgotenks New Member

    Summer Rae gets paid less because she's paid what she's worth. Take someone like Damion Sandow who was losing for years before his Mizdow gimmick. After being let go he had no complaints about his pay, the company, or where he stood in it. Check out his Talk Is Jericho interview it's really interesting. If Summer Rae is paid less then she needs better contract negotiation skills and show them she's worth more than what she's getting. I know that you like to think that it's about wins and losses, but it's less glamorous than that. And do you think that Cena has that house because of WWE? He does movies, he hosts events and shows, he does the morning news show every now and then, he has his own show, he does a lot more than wrestling for that house.
  16. Thebossbooty

    Thebossbooty Active Member

    Sorry man but Summer isn't worth Jack shit she just used wwe for fame like Eva and the women of the past she should be released because she's worth nothing she's too focused on becoming Kylie Jenner or something we have actual female talent we don't need anymore fame seeking girls
  17. Thebossbooty

    Thebossbooty Active Member

    Also that's not a leak you can find that pic on Google
  18. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    If it wasn't for Total Divas a few of these girls would've been released.
    Thebossbooty нравится это.
  19. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    OK, I'll use a better example: Bo Dallas. Bo Dallas was a hit in nxt and was a great champion there. He's decent enough in the ring and is also one of the greatest promo guys the company has ever seen. When he got promoted, he was a hit. His promos were hilarious, and he was on win streak that reached the mid 20s. People were buying his merchandise and eating his bo-lieve gimmick up. I'm not sure I ever laughed so hard watching wrestling when he ran over El Torito during his post-match celebration.

    Then, despite all his successes, they started jobbing him out. He suddenly started losing every match, seemingly out of nowhere. And now, Bo Dallas is an absolute nobody.

    That is why wins and losses matter. One of the most talented guys on the roster is a benchwarmer simply because they put him on an arbitrary losing streak.

    Thats why terms like 'push' and 'bury' exist. You push a wrestler by giving him wins, thus increasing his popularity. You bury him by making him lose all the time, therfore killing his chances.
    alaska нравится это.
  20. rmfgotenks

    rmfgotenks New Member

    Bo Dallas is a perfect example of the point that I made. He loses a lot, but he makes seven figures annually. He has a huge house with a kitchen that I could fit my entire front yard in, a huge pool, this guy is living a lifestyle that's the antithesis of his win/loss record. He's one of them wrestlers that has good negotiation skills for his contract or quite possibly a good agent, is able to show it by putting on a good match with anyone, and also knows a guy that's pretty good with helping with his taxes. And putting on a good match with anyone is a great skill to have because it means that more people would want to work with you and the more people wants to work with you the more value that you have as a performer. He is one of the unsung heroes in wrestling. He's one of the wrestlers that helps other wrestlers look good. And it's because of that he's able to live a lifestyle suited to his value in the company. And by the way, the terms push and bury are more commonly used by smarks that think that they know the business well even though they whine and complain about scripted events that the wrestlers are taking part in. It's basically Broadway with body slams.
    DixMart нравится это.