1. 😎 👍

Little DD

Тема в разделе "Celebs Requests", создана пользователем Raidar88, 22 апр 2018.

  1. Raidar88

    Raidar88 New Member

    anyone got her only fans?
  2. Car3t4ker

    Car3t4ker Member

    No but got topless pictures from snapchat/Twitter
    1506438673957-3.jpg images.jpeg B7awwx9IAAA4hqE.jpg
    Mistakeshavebeenmade, Andykqpr и whitste18 нравится это.
  3. Raidar88

    Raidar88 New Member

    Anyone got anymore?
  4. Mistakeshavebeenmade

    Mistakeshavebeenmade Active Member

  5. Jumbles

    Jumbles Active Member

    Seen a few people mention they have her onlyfans in another thread anyone kind enough to share a few on here
  6. Jumbles

    Jumbles Active Member

    Surely someone has?
  7. Raidar88

    Raidar88 New Member

    There must be something surely....
  8. Maclad0909

    Maclad0909 New Member

    Got a few more on my Pinterest MACLAD
  9. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    Remove these posts or I will have you done for copyright and infringement.
    Rolly92 нравится это.
  10. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    You can get these removed too or you'll be contacted by the law as this is breach of data protection, copyright and infringement.
  11. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    Yeah I have my Onlyfans. Why don't you pay for it like the rest of the people!!!!
  12. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    Naw. Bless nothi g else to do apart from steal photos.
  13. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    That's nice to know. Thanks cos now I'll go report you on Pinterest for stealing copyright photos.
  14. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    Hey guys guess who? Just to let you all know I've reported you all for copyright stealing pics from my Onlyfans page.

    Let me just say one thing your all sad that you have to go around stealing mine and other girls pictures. I have also given Onlyfans a list of names that I have seen that are sharing my content that has been stolen.

    It's a lil bit like revenge porn sharing my content without my permission so please be aware some of you may be contacted by the police and they will take it further.

    Thanks for reading. I'll be keeping a very close eye on the activity on this page and others I now know about just so any further posts will be passed over to the police.
  15. Juanking2017

    Juanking2017 Member

  16. Cloe lewis

    Cloe lewis Member

    A bit like revenge porn except no revenge and no porn and content u have uploaded online sweet.
    fewmoremegasladsffs и Jimbo234 нравится это.
  17. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    More posts after this? Hummm. At your own risk love cos all posts are been sent to the police it's mot hard for them to get your ip address.
    Not really love cos your taking them off a website without my permission. It's also breaking copyright laws. Anyway I am letting the police deal with this situation.
  18. Cloe lewis

    Cloe lewis Member

    Sure there rushing to ur needs dear, girl gets hold of police about images shes posted online getting shared. Play with fire you get burned.
  19. LittleDD

    LittleDD New Member

    That I post on a site that you are not allowed to take images off. I am sure your aware they take this very seriously now. Anyway like I say it's all been investigated so I will leave it as it is and let it unfold that way. I am not playing with fire I am simply sticking up for myself and the fact my pictures are been taken off Onlyfans. If it was you I am sure your do the same.
    Cloe lewis нравится это.
  20. Cloe lewis

    Cloe lewis Member

    Doesn't arse me as I haven't uploaded nothing of u just here for the viewings lol