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Naked celebs guys

Тема в разделе "Celebs Requests", создана пользователем Adam Willis, 21 авг 2017.

  1. Anon2678

    Anon2678 Member

    Why do gays insist on being included with everyone else? Because they're people.

    Why do gays who've been marginalized for decades demand to be recognized? Because they're people.

    Why do you lurk forums where other people leak photos instead of doing anything for yourself? Because it's illegal and you're lazy like the rest of us.

    Why don't you pay for and moderate this forum? You can, but you don't run the show so you don't make the rules. And I don't see any rules against male celeb leaks or gay people.
  2. DixMart

    DixMart Well-Known Member

    You forgot to quote the verse that you were citing.
    photonz нравится это.
  3. Blaackmist

    Blaackmist New Member

    You read the title, opened it and left the comment to offend someone, now that's gay.
  4. towns77

    towns77 New Member

    This. Just let the lad enjoy some cock.
  5. photonz

    photonz Member

    Who doesn't enjoy cock?
    i mean me but then i dont care if anyone else chooses to do so, so...
  6. photonz

    photonz Member

    its okay. you can step out of that closet at any time. i mean i'm not even gay but perhaps i'll make an exception just for you if you ask nice.
    and spring for dinner first.
    and breakfast after.
  7. Jayman

    Jayman Well-Known Member

    And once again, with no mods or admin in sight, we have people fighting over if being gay is ok.

  8. mrlazarov

    mrlazarov New Member

    Fuck this faggot topic
  9. nick mcryan

    nick mcryan New Member

    Not a new thread, create a new fucking website for fags to see dickpics if that is what fags want......

    Don't make all of us risk getting this site shut down by a male celeb just so you can feel included here......

    Shit like this is why people get called homophobic

    Edit: no one is saying it isn't ok to be gay just that this website does not cater to gays and to do so would put LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK SO MAYBE 4 GUYS CAN FEEL INCLUDED......

    The fact that a handful of you are trying to force your lifestyle on us like that is why "homophobia" is still a thing
    Последнее редактирование: 22 авг 2017
  10. DixMart

    DixMart Well-Known Member


    Are you saying that massive collections of female celebs private, copyrighted pics are fine, but a handful of male celebs pics are somehow a great danger? L. O. L.

    Harry Potter, just for you: [​IMG]
    photonz нравится это.
  11. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    No one can help or change who they are attracted to, I just don't get how people can be against that, I always wonder what goes on in homophobes minds, if they think being gay is a choice then they are essentially saying that either they are attracted to both men and women and they consously made the choice to be straight (which is clearly not the case as that would make them bi and in denial) or they're saying that no men are attracted to males, all males are attracted to females but some of them chose to fuck what they don't find attractive, don't be so fucking stupid
    Последнее редактирование: 22 авг 2017
  12. I'm not against gay people. I just don't give two shits about them and I don't like when they are around because they annoy the shit out of me
  13. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    Retarded thing to say, you do know there are gay people that act just like straight guys do, you mean mincy gay people annoy you
    Anon2678 нравится это.
  14. nick mcryan

    nick mcryan New Member

    I am saying that tens of thousands enjoy the leaked pictures posted by this site.

    Maybe a dozen gays might come here hoping for dickpics

    We have all seen pics get taken down on here as well as similar sites being shut down entirely.


    Right now that offer seems to be not calling us homophobes. Even tho the added risk is minimal you aren't offering anything to cancel it out other than the possibility of more of you coming to try and force more changes......PASS!!!!!!!!
  15. It's retarded that you replied. Literally the majority of gay people act like total fruitcakes so stop trying to act smart like most gays are normal.
  16. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    Haha no they don't, you think they do because the ones that act like that are so blatantly obvious, they want attention, gay or bi guys who act like anyone else are all over the place but you just can't tell when you see them, that gives the illusion that all gays are like that
    BigJohn3 и DixMart нравится это.
  17. nick mcryan

    nick mcryan New Member

    Gays, like feminists, are a cancer trying to infect and control any and all groups they come in contact with.......even if that is a group that only shares and discusses pictures of naked women........
    yourfreakinmama нравится это.
  18. xxxmanxxx

    xxxmanxxx New Member

    There are many other gay sites for gays lets not start here. Straight remains the most preferred for nudity/porn.
  19. nick mcryan

    nick mcryan New Member

    Add risk management, server cost, and knowing when it is time to cash in their chips to the list of Things gays obviously don't understand.
  20. The majority of gays are fruitloops and the others obviously did not come out of the closet yet that's why they are normal. The ones who are openly gay are these little fairys running around.