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Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем lutherkent, 12 фев 2018.

  1. sc2332

    sc2332 New Member

    Toni is so fucking fine. I'd love to see them.
  2. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    Calm down, we wouldnt want to upset lutherkent who is obviously the 'it's still real to me dammit' guy in real life

    Don't be gay
    Masvidal нравится это.
  3. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    Do you post on that shitty cut and paste from the Observer site known as EWrestling?
  4. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    Honestly I haven't watched wrestling in awhile, Roman Reigns bores me to tears and wwe is scooping up and killing all the good indy talent. The impending death of ricochet will likely be the nail in the coffin.

    Dave Meltzer is a fucking tool and I wouldn't give his site the click. I just read the summaries on bleacher report.
  5. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    They're never gonna turn that fucker heel are they? They'll continue to push him as long as Vince has a hard on for him.
  6. BDC82

    BDC82 New Member

    I understand the reaction. It’s not necessarily a fair one when you do have actual proof, but there’s way too many people who want to “trade” and won’t hold up their end. I know I’ve been burned a few times trying to trade.
  7. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    You've shown proof that you have fuck all, which is why you're scraping for trades on a forum where everyone is waiting for traders to leak. I'll take your word for the Paige thing - you seem like the kind of guy who would run here after other people leaked stuff just to be able to brag about being the one who posted it first so that people might like you.

    I'm betting that this "cya" will be like the last one. Oh, and no-one abused you until AFTER you bitched at someone who rightly assumed you were full of shit. Remember this:

    And you called him "entitled" for that. Just for not buying what you were selling. Get over yourself dude.
  8. fm45

    fm45 Member

    Love the photos. Can you post more of them? You do a good job posting content.
    Jenny Beaner нравится это.
  9. davewood1982

    davewood1982 Member

    NONE of them 3 photos are of Toni Storm... 100% a fact
  10. Geardagas

    Geardagas Well-Known Member

    You weren't the first to post shit, you just copy and paste from other sites and then expect everyone to plant their lips upon your ass.

    Suck it long, and suck it hard.
    bez и hojoi нравится это.
  11. Thebossbooty

    Thebossbooty Active Member

    If you have what you claim to have then post them. You can't just expect to say something and think everyone will believe it so like I said prove all the fucktards who takes this shit serious wrong.
    seferis и DixMartie нравится это.
  12. ShaveDave85

    ShaveDave85 Member

    i'm not trying to add fuel to the fire luther, but every time you've been saying you're going, you've added something new to 'what you have'. it started with just bea and toni, then added someone else, now you claim to have a toni storm bj vid. the reason people are calling you out is because you're claiming to have all this stuff without actually proving you have it, you want people to belive you have them, then proof is needed dude
    DixMartie нравится это.
  13. sc2332

    sc2332 New Member

    That's clearly Toni and Bea in those previews tho
  14. ShaveDave85

    ShaveDave85 Member

    i'm talking about the other stuff he claims to have dude
  15. CreamKing96

    CreamKing96 New Member

    What about the ones of us who weren't being assholes?
    Последнее редактирование: 25 май 2018
  16. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    So leave.


  17. Skateboardpsc

    Skateboardpsc New Member

    come on lutherkent just post Toni's sets or at least 1 pic
  18. Dewdiepie

    Dewdiepie New Member

    Honestly, why the fuck are you even here?? If anyone is an entitled douche who needs to get over himself, it appears to be you.

    Lutherkent is one of the very few people who actually contribute good stuff to this forum. And you are one of the MANY people who contribute absolutely jack shit. And yet here you are, trying to give people shit just because you don’t believe their material is the real deal before you’ve even seen it.

    Well here’s an idea, idiot. Maybe shut your mouth for a few minutes, wait for the pics to be posted, and then we can all decide whether the pics are legit or not. Instead of you acting like a complete dickhead and chasing off anyone who may have good material.
  19. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    Did I "chase" anyone off? He came here purely to trade, so no-one lost anything. Go back through Luther's comments and pick out any where he even hints that he was going to give you anything.

    Fuck, man. It's fine to be desperate to see people naked, but you could show a little more dignity than jumping in to defend someone in the hope that they give you some scraps to feed on. He's got nothing worth trading or he'd be trading somewhere else. He's just here to grab whatever he can for something that's worth fuck all to anyone else. Seen it all before, dude. People brag about what they have, show a few teasers, then it leaks and it turns out they were censoring clothed pics and lying about what was there. Maybe he's doing the same, maybe not. He sure as hell doesn't have anything worthwhile though, and he definitely didn't come here bragging about it to hand it over to you. He said so himself.
    bez и DonnieRamadan нравится это.
  20. Dhouse9881

    Dhouse9881 Active Member

    Booiii I’m boutta clap you up.