Giuliana Farfalla Nude (33 Photos)

Check out the nude photos of Giuliana Farfalla for Playboy Germany (February 2018). Giuliana Farfalla is a transgender model from Germany. Age – 21.


33 thoughts on “Giuliana Farfalla Nude (33 Photos)

  1. steve

    Please don’t post traps on this website. Think of the amount of people who’ve jacked off before reading that its a tranny

  2. Fuck you

    Get this shit off of here. If the point is to lose your entire base of viewership, you are doing a great job lately.

  3. Spamwhore

    Fuck political correctness! We now have to tell self-mutilating nutjobs that they are just fine, and it’s only the rest of the world has gone insane. Stop forcing the delusions of a tiny insane minority upon everyone else!

  4. Frost

    “She” used to be a “he”…wondering of the Doc’s job.
    So show that “pussy” or what it should be called…:-)

  5. Seriouslypeoplestopbeingsoretard

    I was coming here to say shit she’s ugly before realising she’s a trans.
    I don’t give a fuck whether it’s a trans or not, still ugly !

  6. WTF

    Stop forcing this SJW political crap on this site. Germany has become so cucked, feminized, and PC they force this shit on the populous of the nation and people feel obligated to find that nonsense attractive. He still looks like a male and they obviously photoshopped the body to make him look more genuinely feminine. No one wants to see that deranged shit.


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