Jemma Lucy & Laura Alicia Summers Sexy (54 Photos)

MTV’s Ex On The Beach stars Jemma Lucy & Laura Alicia Summers make the experience in washing cars seem a pleasurable one as the ladies are out in the sexy bikini’s washing Jemma’s new flash car – Manchester, 07/05/2018.

Heavily tattooed lesbian Jemma couldn’t wait to ride in her sparkling Mercedes ‘German Whip’ but instead gave her own little whip across Laura’s behind in a funny yet sexy moment between the pair.



7 thoughts on “Jemma Lucy & Laura Alicia Summers Sexy (54 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    I see the circus came to town…then saw all the footage in these photos…and then left quicker than immediately so that they wouldn’t get blamed for this incredibly fucking perverse side show attraction. Someone, please, get out the high powered rifle and put them out of their misery…and ours…

  2. Brazilian Boy

    I missed a topless!!!! Jemma disappointed me this time 🙁 I expected to see some hard nipples like stone, to make my dick hard too


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