18 thoughts on “Katy Perry Sexy (8 Photos + Video)

  1. Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

    Do you know what, James? She bloody didn’t ask. I’m going to call round hers tonight after my spin class and demand it back. The cheeky cow.

    1. James Fucking May

      Keep up the spin classes JC. Your hard work has been noticed by Hammond. Only the other night he described your buttocks as ‘firm and manly, like a ripe peach ready for plucking’.

      Perry looks like a fool, you cant even see her swollen knackers stretching out the groin.

      Oi, Perry, by your own clothes.

      1. Spankmaster

        Oh great, another award winning show from your bedroom window. I’ll be there of course with my new improved rectal zygmoidascope that has the flame attachment for the pyrolatry based part of our performances. I wonder how Katy feels about being a little singed? I dare say that it will only improve that horribly dyke influence hairdo of hers. So much for paying the gay away…

          1. James Fucking May

            Hey Spank-Master we was getting worried you’d gone up some celebrity arse with your rectal zygmoidascope and couldn’t get out.

            FYI Spanky man, the dyke green hair, straight out of JC’s wardrobe, just like the suit. JC pulls it off much better, in fact he’s probably ‘pulling it off’ as we speak.

            I’m not comfortable with the JC spin classes Spanky, I know you want to watch, but he’s too damn hot in that tight pink leotard, I don’t like him tempting you !

            The first rule of Top Gear is no ‘swinging in the rough’. Mrs C is doing a ‘solo’ show tonight, if you don’t count the dog !. Should be quite a crowd. I’ll certainly be there jizzing in the rose bushes !

          2. James Fucking May

            PS Mr Spank Man – your much improve anus related vocab HAS been noticed by JC. He is a man who takes a professional interest in the dilated sphincter and associated vocab.

          3. Spankmaster

            Thanks James. I’m amongst a learned society here, so I must mind my p’s and q’s when it comes to impressing people with the right words for the sake of devoted sophistication, even to the point of ultimate perversion. We may be a bunch of sick fuckers, but at least we certainly have style…

    1. Spankmaster

      Rooco, what school did you attend to get a dinner lady like this? St. Sebastian’s school for those to worship on all fours? Christ, no wonder you went into porn…

  2. Spankmaster

    So this what happens when you pray the gay away? Ok, um, I don’t think it’s working, but when you have tits like this on a cracking body like hers, then you really don’t give a fuck about her both eating salami and munching on carpet. I dare say the porn won’t be too far away…and neither will I…

    1. Spankmaster

      I find that hard to believe Russell. I know for certain that you have only anal interests in any woman so that it will compensate you not owning up to your fag lifestyle. Come on, come to me with your problems and I’ll let my magic friend out to sort out your love live once and for all so that you never will have to lie to yourself and others again…


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