Malin Andersson Hot (53 Photos)

Former “Love Island” star Malin Andersson was all smiles catching the rays while walking along the beach on holiday in Palma, Spain, 09/05/2018.

Malin wore a olive green one piece bikini and was seen holding her stomach (hand on baby bump) and taking selfies against a palm tree during her walk. Malin who recently announced she is pregnant shows off her baby bump and her 7k boob and bump bum lift as she walked along the white sandy beach.


16 thoughts on “Malin Andersson Hot (53 Photos)

  1. nacho

    Body like one of my ex’s (she sucked my thang)
    told me she sucked some dude’s dick for 2+ hours
    that involvement last 2 weeks

  2. Erogenous Jones

    “one piece bikini” known in English as a swimsuit !

    Why post these pics here ? Neither a celeb nor particularly attractive !

    1. James Fucking May

      Good point about the swimsuit Erogenous. I’m surprised she is not listed as one of Crappers, now famous, nudes ! Very erotic anyway you look at it.

  3. Anon

    I like them thick. Give me grip when I’m going to pound town. I’d fuck her, stop and have a snack then go right back in that pussy

  4. Gadget

    Will you fucking stop referring to this KNOCK-KNEED, BLOATED BAG OF BLUBBER as “hot”? If you insist on labelling everything “hot”, at least restrict it to cases where it’s _objectively_ applicable. Sure, you could post pics of dog turds dipped in green sinusitis snot and label them “hot” or “sexy” because hypothetically there might this one guy, some anonymous log cabin dweller in Belgium, who faps to dog turds and ONLY snot covered ones, and therefore it’s true for him. But you could also, just to mix it up, look at pics of some chick who’s so fucking fat that her legs buckled, and go “hmm, looks like she’s about 4 lbs away from a complimentary mobility scooter at Wal-Mart, surely only a small minority will find that hot”.

  5. Billybobs

    hang on…there are alot of photos of her holding her belly, people claim she is pregnant yet her stomach remains flat while the rest fo her body inflates?


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