48 thoughts on “Viola Bailey Nude (1 Gif)

    1. loc

      Dude… First of all with these double D she would make any man alive losing his mind in a few seconds…Second she’s not a porn star to think about fetish things like anal sex and these stupid childish things… A woman would prefer true love and pussy sex and with kisses and hugs… Hopefully you might realize this when you’d be a grown man have good sunny days.

        1. Mr. G

          And only worked a few months, but of course she never did such wrong and stupid things as HiLo talked about, that guy was only seeking for attention and talk only rubbish which doesn’t make any sense…hopefully you gonna understand this have a good day.

    2. Wild

      And not only one time…
      He also pissed in her mouth. She (reluctantly, at least) swallowed…
      She was used good. (also in front of her boyfriend).

      1. loc

        The things you talked about obviously they far from reality and never happened dude… She only had a contract to such a adult company only for a few months but obviously she never did such things and she never ever would think to play on such porn movies… Okay hopefully you gonna understand this one day. Have a good day.

        1. Wild

          As I said. It’s all online. Sorry.
          I have all the scenes (Ass fucking, DP, Pissing, Blowjobs in front of her stupid boyfriend) on a DVD. Good stuff. She was used like a slut by the woodman team (or maybe she is).

          1. Mr. WW

            Little young boy we realized you facing some issues based on a huge amount from your time watching pornography, I would pray for you to fix your issues but at least stop spreading lies nonsense rubbish which doesn’t make any sense and is far from reality, one of my friends bought that Woodman company and after I called him and showing what you wrote he started laughing how stupid was your try only seeking for attention in a bad way… Now my advice to you you should stop with this infantile and stupid misogyny, it’s not gonna bring your nothing positive in your life believing or not now for sure you will realize this one day at a time. Until then Have a good day.

      1. Mr. WW

        And for sure you just a child seeking for attention, how smart could be to spread a bunch of lies and rubbish which we know doesn’t make any sense based on your infantile and stupid misogyny. Hopefully you gonna defeat this bad habit someday until then wish you smart and good days.

          1. Mr. WW

            You just came here addressing into such an immature and rude way you childish opinions about a woman while it’s obvious you jut inexperienced about these things, be honest to yourself lil man…

  1. Mr. G

    ” LOL trolling? It’s ALL online. Including the piss swallow. Bye. ”
    Okay…Let me tell you only one thing…I’m in this IT domain, I’ve gave a search on web and what I thought from the first time I proven it’s TRUE. There’s nothing on the whole internet where she’s doing such stupid and infantile things from that kind of porn movies that you said… I wonder how negative have been porn movies for some young people as you to make them invent lies about a beautiful model, good worker and humble girl like Viola Bailey when the reality is SHE NEVER EVER DID SUCH THINGS. The truth is that she only did some Nude Photo Sessions but that’s a huge difference between two different domains… As a simple advice seeing your facing some issue I can recommend you to think to deliver your time on better things than watching pornography seeing you already started to see things deviated. And one last things every grown man knows that pornography has nothing to deal with real life, sex or love hopefully you gonna see and understand this okay.

    1. Wild

      Bwahahah. Who has ever said that pornography has something to do with love, real life, etc.?

      Did you not find anything? You disappoint me. Try looking better. (well, at least you looked for evidence before saying I’m a liar. Good for you.)
      I’ll help you since you’re not able. (Even if I’m sure you are trolling 😉 )

      Ass-hole destroyed:

      1. Mr. WW

        The way you share your childish opinions was the proof of your inexperienced about sex meaning my boy… Don’t take it personal I’m not here to criticize you about this but to make you understand that… How you can tell nonsense things as you saidit was just a damn scene of a poor porn movie for older men or children who has a deviated need to see anal sex…. But obviously what you see there it’s far away from actually the stupid things you said ” Ass-hole destroyed” what the…. that show’s your ignorance and inexperience. I met a woman who gave birth to many kids and her butt ass vagina even after given birth to her kids were looking the same as from her 18-19 age. I’m speaking from my own experience here so the only advice to you is before you would make such affirmations like these next time think first and write something only if that’s a smart dialogue… Don’t get me wrong that’s the truth my boy, hopefully you can understand this… Have a good day!

      1. Mr WW

        There were only a few seconds of that DP Millennials adoption childish fetishes to porn industry you would say it’s interesting and cool but Maybe you don’t know how was porn industry back in the days… Unfortunately nowadays some adult companies turned to a deviated and stupid direction… don’t let them fool yourself thinking that kind of movies it’s what porn industry was meant to be… The realest porn was when the porn industry was making movies only with man girl pure vagina sex kisses and romantic stories and also a little bit of lesbian movies… That’s what you and many others don’t know honestly… And also you said ” Blowjobs in front of her boyfriend” you’ve sounded hilarious That’s just a role play my dude that guy isn’t her boyfriend and also she talked into a recent interview that she left adult industry recently and that she worked there only some months… Now that being said maybe someday you gonna realize this wish you the best and sunny days.

      1. Mr. WW

        No, I’m not gonna fapp if that was a problem, I have a wife son, young boy Believe it or not from the first post I wasn’t trolling at all, I just wanted to see your reaction if you gonna to learn something that you haven’t learned yet boy… Have you ever made something to be prod of it instead talking like a road hog rude words about a woman, no matter if she ever worked a couple of months for an adult company who are you to judge that girl not being in her shoes? That’s the problem nowadays with teenagers like you and others… Obviously you couldn’t realize yet a simple fact that a few movies she did were maybe only for money… So who’s the biggest troll here son you who blame that girl or me who tryna open your mind letting your conscience achieve another level… Think about it.

        1. Wild

          The fact is this. I do not blame anyone.
          G. said that what I was saying was not possible. I showed that I was telling the truth. Then why she did … I do not care and, I do not even judge.

          The fact that she liked that treatment and the hard fucking said it herself not me. I’m not here to post any more evidence.

          I hope for her that she is now have found serenity and she is away from these things.

          Sunny days also to you.

          1. Mr WW

            Alright I understand this, just let me point one last thing…
            You said: ” The fact that she liked that treatment and the hard fucking said it herself not me. I’m not here to post any more evidence ”
            I’m not gonna lie to you that’s why I’m still here writing this… So because I have a common friend a girl who knows her better than anyone else, we talked years ago about such adult industry and what it means nowadays… She told me that Miss Bailey as she has this name since she started working there and other girls who worked there did this movie role for money and obviously not because they would like that rough sex as you said… So that’s the difference honestly…
            And as you said ”I hope for her that she is now have found serenity and she is away from these things.”
            Yeah I’m agree to you about this I hope too she’s doing something much better than porn now honestly because I recall what that common friend told me that she tried doing porn only because of money issue and not cause she would ever like this job much more knowing her as a humble and kinda religious girl from a modest but humble family… Now hopefully she found a better way… And also Wild wish you the best too and definitely sunny days.

      2. Mr WW

        What a nonsense way to enjoy such a movie… Do you think that’s something cool watching to them doing such things, those male performers need some massive psychiatrist hours to make them understand first that they missed what respect is … Every true grown man knows that being a gentleman to a girl no matter what she works you would be blessed somehow and someday. And believe it or not I’m not here trolling but actually tryna show you that it depends only on you to try make a move straight to a better road if you know what I’m saying my dude… Have a good day.

        1. Wild

          Try to post your point of view on woodmanforum. It will be an interesting and constructive discussion. Not joking.

          1. Mr WW

            You didn’t get yet the what it matters of our discussion, it’s not about the place the ”forum” it’s about the people around the world try open your conscience young man … Definitely you might understand this someday.

        2. Wild

          You taught me something, now let me teach something to you.
          Sometimes women get bored with men who respect them TOO much. If you know what I mean…

          1. Mr WW

            Maybe that’s what happened into your life circles but that’s not generally and I’m talking from my own knowledge of life being as age possible older than your daddy’s if you know what I’m saying… Once again you misunderstood I never talked about TOO much respect but just what is essentially and necessarily to maintain the harmony sex and love there… And honestly I’m always glad to hear other people opinions I don’t classify people by age but as a matter of fact what you should realize is that I’ve been through all what life means decades ago before you my dear boy, I’ve been there done that and I’m when I’m talk I do this hopefully I can show you the right road to good days. Think about this… Have a good day.

      3. Mr WW

        Well maybe road hog was a a bit much haven’t ever think to hurt your feelings maybe I was a little mad to at that moment I wrote this but the whole subject was in hope to make you realize it’s not good being rude when you addressing to a girl no matter about the job now that being said hopefully you know what I mean so wish you the best and have a good day.

  2. Ayman

    Whatever they would say she’s a smart humble and good girl no matter what douches of that weeb would say. Sunny days.





    1. Mr WW

      It is clear that you are looking for attention in a typical childish manner. For your culture, things are not as you said. Are not you ashamed to lie like this? Oh, you have no right to talk about her father, especially when you and other kids here have no idea what you are talking about. Her father is fine, if this is your childish problem. For your lack of culture, let me tell you she worked for that adult adult company for only a few months, and then she immediately left. She was then fooled by those people not explaining exactly which category of porn movies it is talking about, because if she had ever known she would not have accepted she is a faithful and well-grown girl, and of course it is not her fault. So you better stop blaming a girl you know nothing about, and to answer your doubts, I know a girl who knows her, telling me that Viola Bailey is now a student and volunteer in her free time finding a better way on a better road and all I have told is the only truth about which that very close friend of mine told me. Now, it would be good to think about your life, instead of losing time trying to slander people and spread lies, I hope you understand that one day. Good day for you teenager.

  4. Mr G

    Austin Powers
    And You actually took the time to see the “pictures “probably jerk off and then comment”, and she’s the whore or slut? Have you realized how stupid to be to say such things and instead to realize how wrong you were to say such things and then you tried to criticize other educated men who defended a her and to clear something no matter where she worked for a short time, couple of months you don’t have the damn rights to blame a girl for this, is it clear to you? So instead to act like a worthless teenager jerker with no jobs you actually might respect and appreciate a a girl otherwise don’t waste the time to type if you don’t have a positive and good thing to say, okay.

    1. Austin Powers

      Mr G is TRIGGERED. Of course I jerked off to those pics and vids of that whore getting banged in her ass and DP’d. Don’t know why this captain save a hoe keeps defending this pornstar. He really is obsessed with this slut

      1. Mr G

        If she was your girlfriend you’d still jerk off? If yes then you need a little psychiatrist support.
        I’m not at all obsessed, I just tried to make you understand something though it seems that after your answer and your words it seems that you have not perceived what I mean. No matter what profession this girl had in her past we all sometimes make mistakes but speaking like a bad kid, do you think you’re upstairs? Criticizing a girl who was forced to resort to this profession for various family reasons should be the last thing to think about. At a right time you will understand that… Dare you good days.

  5. Spankmaster

    Oh dear, it’s yet again the incredibly fucking annoying return of the anal moonbeam and rainbow queer or queen who wants to be our moral compass in supposedly being a religious affirmation in our lives and yet won’t take the subtle hint of fucking off and dying and leaving us alone to our perverted fun. Wild, I fully agree and sympathise with you in telling the truth about Viola, especially in giving actual proof to a pain in the arse who won’t take the obvious for granted. My advice, oh anal moonbeam and rainbow queer/queen, go back to licking out the toilet bowl clean and think about who really wants your fucked up happy sunny days bullshit other than yourself.

    Spankmaster has spoken…


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