9 thoughts on “Corinne Olympios Sexy (13 Photos)

    1. Dmo

      If you’re going to be racist, use proper grammar please. I don’t think she was offering herself to you anyways… SHE’LL PASS, lol.

  1. Spankmaster

    I’ll have her. She’s cute and just what my rectal zygmoidascope needs in being tried out, now that it’s back from the repair shop. So stand back please, we have lift off…

    1. Jeremy Fucking Clarkson

      Excellent news about the successful repair, Spanky. Although I’m not sure if I’m allowed to talk to you anymore. Sinsy has been getting rather cross, and no-one needs that. So I’ll stop typing now.

      1. James Fucking May

        Hey JC, think they had an open day at the weekend. Who would ever think the internet was full of nut cases. I tell you, they will be putting porn on here next. I’m afraid Sins wont be getting my vote in the Wolverhampton locals !

        1. James Fucking May

          Anyway, to get back to things that matter. How is Spunk Masters rectal zygmoidascope (I can now just spell that baby right off, no kidding). This girl looks a bit too thin for much of a challenge.

          I hear the ‘Forest and nuts’ Lisa Appleton shoot is nearing completion. I’ll be retreating to the toilet for a couple of hours for that one !

  2. Shazbot

    Why am I looking at average photos, of an average woman, in an average swimsuit, at an average hotel, on an average beach?

    1. Chalupa Batman

      “Average woman”. Have you ever been to a Walmart?

      She’s hot, and she’s lucky that she is, because this lady is dumb as a brick.


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