Erika Jordan Naked (40 Photos)

Erika Jordan shoots her all-naked anti-Trump social media campaign photoshoot in Los Angeles, 11/12/2016. Too late, frau! Erika Jordan is a German actress and erotic professional wrestler. Age: 34 (May 18, 1982).


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45 thoughts on “Erika Jordan Naked (40 Photos)

    1. pharoahegypt

      Considering you Americans just left yourselves with the no-win situation of Hillary v Donald; aka the crooked egotist v the broken billionaire racist-bigot-xenophobe; I think America needs all the help it can get right now…? Lol.

          1. Ratchet

            We knew exactly what we wanted when America voted in Trump. It wasn’t a mistake that he absolutely destroyed Hillary at the polls. How can that even be a thought you possess? You don’t like Trump, fine. He’s still a damn sight better than electing Hillary, who was going to start a war, was funded by lobbyists and is more corrupt than a mob boss. Sorry, the selling of snake oil was done by Hillary and the people did not buy. Your narrative is incorrect.

        1. America!FUCKNO!

          Haha again? America was always a land of filth and scum. You can’t make it great again when it was never great lol. Go back to giving kids guns and watching them murder each other ya yankee prick lol

        2. Andreas

          I th9nk he may have duped you because he is already taking back all the sni9t he promised during his rallies, no mass deportations, no Hillary prosecution, Obamacare is gonna stay, you guys were suckered…….

    2. Math Teacher

      She immigrated to Phoenix with her parents as a very young girl and now lives in SoCa. She was born in Germany but lives here, so why don’t you go back to your basement dwelling and hate yourself. Probably already do from all of the fapping your ignorant ass does.

    1. trumpwillwreckamerica

      Coming from the guy sitting in his basement and fapping to internet porn! Why are righties such dumb hypocrite?.

  1. strad

    An “erotic professional wrestler”? What the hell is that?

    And just a reminder to foreign citizens and governments. You do not get a vote in how America runs it’s country and therefore, you will be ignored.

  2. Andreas

    The only damn thing the orange fascist is good for……beautiful naked German honey with nice funbags……Germany doesn’t need taking care of, they dont have an orange dictator for a Chancellor….screw tRump

    1. Ronald

      Go suck the war mongering Killary’s hairy cock Andreas. How exactly is Trump a fascist? Look up what the word actually means rather than just attaching it to anyone who disagrees with left wing politics.

      1. Andreas

        now now little person, I know exactly what a fascist is…..the orange pig that is now the president elect….riots at rallies, spurring on violence, thin skinned, racism and blaming other nationalities for a countries downfall, the call to ban books, media….TV because he didn’t like what they said about him….lying blatantly when he cant find the facts to back up his rhetoric……I can go on and on, you jackass, extreme right wing babble machine…….you’re a sheep how did Hillary war monger when Trumps says he wants to use nukes if needed….get your shit together, sonny

        1. Ronald

          riots at rallies – incited by Killarys people.
          racism – wanting to stop ILLEGAL immigration is NOT racist
          call to ban books etc – source please (non biased source) or I call bullshit
          Lying blatantly – I think youre confusing Trump with Killary there
          Trump says he wants to use nukes if needed – of course he does, the difference is he wants to use them WHEN NEEDED Killary wants to provoke an unnecessary war with Russia.

          Get your shit together KILLARY DICKSUCKER and realise that your people now see through the lefts lies and propaganda isnt going to work anymore.

          1. Andreas

            ok Moron let me explain it to you as to what a fascist is because you obviously didn’t pay attention is school….
            riots at rallies incited by Trump when he screams at his deplorables to punch people in the mouth inciting violence…..ever hear of Crystal Nacht? didn’t think so…
            racism as he threw out the only black guy who was there and a supporter of the Orange One. Daddy was a KKK member and David Dukes supported him…
            Call to banning media, books, TV- he was offended by SNL and wanted to have it taken off the air….Baldwin and McKinnon did a hell of a job satirizing him but poor fat Donnie got Butthurt…
            Lying and fabricating facts when he couldn’t find the real facts so he just made shit up. ex. stating he saw thousands of Muslims in NYC when the towers came down cheering…bullshit….
            wants to use nukes and disband NATO and then calls Hillary a war monger…he supported the Iraqi war also and is on record as saying so and a friend of one of the remaining strong men Putin……wonder what these two jackasses talk about….
            so I hope you learned a little something dummy and next time you’re in class dont fall sleep…..oh and by the way he has already backed off the wall fiasco, the ACA, look it up if you dlont know what it is, and forming deportation councils… he mjust told all the deplorables what they wanted to hear so he could be the first Orange Prez…..

    2. For a better world

      If you had Angela Merkel for President, you would never ever say that. Believe me. She is a big piece of shit with no backbone, ruining her own country. But the thing is, that the whole world is in a change now. Thanks to the internet, that more and more people awake.

  3. Ronald

    When they all thought Hillary was going to win the story was they would move to Canada. Now that he has won, they have forgotten about that and just switched to more attention whoring and whingeing.

  4. No

    >A German telling Americans how to run things….by posing semi nude

    Fucking retards. Enjoy those immigrants grabbing at your tits again next New Years while nobody in the media reports on it because they’re all lefty faggots afraid of offending anybody.

  5. ahmed

    Grab her by the pussy.
    She don’t understand Trump he would be more like if i only knew i would have run for president a long time ago.

  6. John Smith

    This is really stupid and the reason why sexism is a thing. “Let’s try to discourage people from voting Trump by showing myself naked!” “Let’s protest as if being naked is a bad thing!”

    No, just no. Women fight for the whole free the nipple thing, which I respect, but this is just obvious and blatant publicity. This kind of protest is much more sexist than anything. Smh. There’s more creative and less dumb ideas to protest about a, almost sadly, righteously chosen president (despised both candidates anyway, but the shitty system said Trump).

    Why not protest about reforming the election thingy instead of, you know, sexualizing being naked and showing it as a bad thing?

  7. Ronald

    For some reason I cant respond to your bullshit comment Andreas so Ill do it here. You have just produced more discredited bullshit Andreas, with no sources as I thought. Regurgitating left wing propaganda is not education. KILLARY is the one who wants to limit free speech and she would have tried to do it on the internet by censoring anything that disagrees with the left as “hate speech” And Trump cant control who supports him you fucking idiot. Just more left wing biased bullshit, people see through this propaganda now and are not going to fall for it anymore thats why Trump got elected and crybabies like you are RIOTING AND INSTIGATING VIOLENCE AGAINST A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. THAT IS FASCISM YOU FUCKING MORON. I HOPE YOU LEARNED SOMETHING YOU KILLARY CRIMINAL WARMONGERING SUPPORTING COCKSUCKER.

    1. Andreas

      now now temper temper, sonny, before you blow a gasket, everything you just blathered was all fascist bullshit and right wing propaganda… dont know shit nor have you ever proven anything to me at all….dont have a stroke little boy… dont know shit just like the rest of you deplorables, can you say baaaa, baaaaaa, sheeple……just a jackass, hahahahahahahahahaha…….

      1. Ronald

        I am not in the least big angry its just some people cant seem to accept reality unless you highlight in caps for them. I have shown you to be nothing more than another Killary criminal, warmongering, free speech hating cocksucker and your bullshit convinces nobody anymore so by all means carry on spewing it and I will continue pointing out you and the other left wing propagandists hypocrisy. Go ahead, get in the last word, I dont care you are full of shit and everyone knows it. have a nice day. Oh can I pretend to laugh like you do? hahahahahahahahah. Moron.

  8. Ronald

    No. Are you a member of the New Black Panther party or a COMMUNIST? And remember that NAZI stands for National SOCIALIST.

  9. Tired of this shit

    She’s German and she says shit like this now I ain’t American, still glad Trump won that Hillary would fuck America just like Angela Merkel fucked Germany, letting all those refugees here without checking them, when my people ran, they ran to their own not America or Asia or Afrika they either stayed and fought and died or go to their own people who gave them protection, I mean fuck this dude all those attacks, France, Germany… Fuck Angela….


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