1. 😎 👍

WWE- Paige

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем FreeToFap, 17 мар 2017.

  1. robertzimmer

    robertzimmer Active Member

    It’s hilariously interesting how Luther and Ragnarock are only ever on at the same time, just 5/10 minutes apart. #totallynotanalt #lutherisaprick
  2. VaginaSmart

    VaginaSmart New Member

    He got them from anon-ib /c. All the 'preview pics' he's posted were posted in the wrestling thread there, and most were proven fake right away.

    The Toni Storm and Bea Priestley pics were posted there and proven fake. The day after anon-ib shut down, Luther posted them here and asked for trades to post the uncensored versions. The uncensored versions never existed - he knew they were fake the whole time. When they were proven to be fake here, he disappeared for a week. Now he's back and trying to pull the same bullshit.

    And youre falling for it.
    CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  3. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    You shut your whore mouth. LutherKunt is a saint and should be worshipped by every thirsty dumbass who hasn't figured out that this site is shit for leaks.

    I heard he also has a huge black cock. Because he told me he has a huge black cock.
  4. Ragnarock

    Ragnarock Active Member

    You still trying to make out people have got duplicate accounts... the only account I have seen someone duplicate is Josh222 or what ever number he puts himself across so shut your whining and just read what people post than talk.
  5. Ragnarock

    Ragnarock Active Member

    Those preview video pics are 100% Paige you imbecile if you can’t see that it isn’t you need to go to SpecSavers and get your eyes tested.
  6. VaginaSmart

    VaginaSmart New Member

    To the surprise of exactly nobody, DickSmart is talking about cock.

    If I could actually be serious for a moment, I truly hope that you guys are having as much fun as I am on this utter waste of a forum
  7. robertzimmer

    robertzimmer Active Member

    This post made my day ahahah
  8. robertzimmer

    robertzimmer Active Member

    For the lack of pictures, at least the banter has made up for it
  9. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    You're reeding is ungood. Get gooder in it.

    This place is for ahitposting, and it's fucking perfect for it. A great mix of Anonib, Vola and /b/, with a little bit of Facebook comments sprinkled on top. It's a shitpost sundae. What should we call it?
  10. ShaveDave85

    ShaveDave85 Member

    So I might have spelt a couple of words wrong. Who cares? My point still stands. This place is slowly turning into somewhere for people to argue over nothing.

    Will I stop visiting the site? No. Because like most of the people here, I wanna see the leaks. But do I wanna click on a thread and see that no leaks have been posted and everyone is complaining about whether someone has, or hasn't, got leaks? Hell No.

    And I won't mention names, but the only reason some people are on this site, is to argue with everyone and anyone who will argue with them, honestly its pathetic. Some of you guys need to grow the fuck up.
  11. Dude1001

    Dude1001 Active Member

    Jeez, Hillsborough on the other post and one big massive sword fight on this one.

    I have the entire night free whilst the missus is out. Ive got a sports sock to wank into, the curtains are shut and Barry Whites playing.

    All I need is some fucking LEAKS, so get leaking and make America great again.

    Do it
  12. bez

    bez Well-Known Member

    He has Charizard's nudes already.
    JayBrad, hammertime4444, VaginaSmart и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  13. Chris Lillie

    Chris Lillie Member

    Does anyone think that the full paige stuff will ever lose there value enought for them all to be leaked ?
    Gjt123 нравится это.
  14. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    Turning? This place has been for shitposting forever. That's what happens when you have no mods who give a shit about doing mod stuff.

    If you want leaks and only leaks, Phun is where you want to go. I'm here because it's funny as fuck. Check out the pinned threads and count along...
  15. VaginaSmart

    VaginaSmart New Member

    It's me, and yes it's the only reason im on this site. It's the only reason anybody should be on this site.

    There are plenty of other leak forums that don't post 'Fappening-style pics' of a complete nobody in a bikini. This forum is for shit posting.
    CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  16. Chris Lillie

    Chris Lillie Member

    Why was the others then ?
  17. VaginaSmart

    VaginaSmart New Member

    Nope, they were fake. Changing your story a third time isn't going to help you, cuntface
    CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  18. Dhouse9881

    Dhouse9881 Active Member

    Dude. Please just post something. Please. Shut everybody up. I’m sick of this. I come on this site everyday to find something I can actually get my dick off to, and all I see is a bunch of arguing. Why trade them? Someone’s going to post them eventually. Why not post all of them? Some people will bitch for more, but others will look at you as a god for what you posted. Do it for those people.
  19. VaginaSmart

    VaginaSmart New Member

    Seriously Luther, how dumb do you think we are?

    I suppose it's just a coincidence that Toni Storm herself found her way to this shit-tier forum and provided you with an alternate reason to delete the pics, coincidentally right after they were proven fake here. It's practically magic.
  20. Hvtch

    Hvtch Member

    Why does anyone care... hope it's real and move on