1. 😎 👍

Alison Brie

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем fapper, 8 сен 2014.



  1. Yes

    721 голосов
  2. No

    38 голосов
  1. Tsui

    Tsui Active Member

    Everyone started the same way man, no worries.
    Fingers crossed for more leaks tho
    Joe6996 нравится это.
  2. xhado221

    xhado221 New Member

    insert : i was told there was a leak meme.
  3. Jakeblo1987

    Jakeblo1987 Member

    So So nice :rolleyes: Fingers and Toes crossed.
  4. vasval

    vasval Member

    found this too


    • main.jpg
      Размер файла:
      193,4 КБ
  5. heatto85

    heatto85 New Member

    that's a cropout of the pics you could see one of her boobs in the reflection
  6. Shagfatha3

    Shagfatha3 New Member

    Here friends


    • image.jpeg
      Размер файла:
      1,5 МБ
    Johned1 нравится это.
  7. Boblast11

    Boblast11 New Member

    Any more news on her by chance?
  8. Buba_fart

    Buba_fart New Member

    God damn, chevrandy. Calm down we all want to see then as much as you do.with that being said.....dkgjfjshjanajsjxicfndbssbbdjjds! Where the fuck are thay?! Someone fuckin leak them already!
  9. SimonDoesnotsays

    SimonDoesnotsays New Member

    Just found on 4chan, looks good although not got the time to be sure it's not a mock up....
    sonicsymphony, Psm1999, bcmanking и 4 другим нравится это.
  10. heatto85

    heatto85 New Member

    I don't know it doesn't look right. It seems the reflection of her boob doesn't match...
    vasval нравится это.
  11. flapmasterflap

    flapmasterflap New Member

    that was the first thing I looked at too, but I think they're similar enough to be believable. Look at the hair in the reflection, it doesn't look like it matches up either.
  12. heatto85

    heatto85 New Member

    i mirrored it, it's a good fake, but still a fake :/
  13. legendarylove

    legendarylove New Member

    Her areolas look bigger in the reflection, calling this photoshopped.
    woodywhacks нравится это.
  14. Ingso

    Ingso New Member

    I am 100% certain that's photoshopped.

    "Alison Brie, is not only getting naked once, but twice in the series premiere of GLOW on Netflix. No, it isn’t a body double. Yes, it’s well lit. Actually, the later scene is somewhat dark. More details closer to the June 23 release date."

    -/ />
    There was purportedly a (censored) topless shot already leaked from the editing bay (I'm skeptical):

    gasm88 нравится это.
  15. Jake pitt

    Jake pitt Member

    As a Web designer by profession I can tell you 100% that it is photoshopped someone has tried to cover her real boobs ( probably preview pic) and put drawn on fake boobs. The biggest giveaway are the areolas.
  16. Donniep

    Donniep Member

    I thought that was a recapped April Fools Day joke. Everyone seems to think that on the site.
    xclickx нравится это.
  17. bernsie7734

    bernsie7734 New Member

    A bigger giveaway is the fact that the hair resting on the boob doesn't match the reflection.


    • .jpg
      Размер файла:
      28,7 КБ
    krisjones нравится это.
  18. Jake pitt

    Jake pitt Member

    Sorry I am a man the first thing I spotted was the nipples haha but yes the hair is way off
  19. zerasze

    zerasze Active Member

    1st leaked [​IMG]
    Fracord и Cyclone нравится это.
  20. Mickey690

    Mickey690 New Member

    Same fake that was posted before
    sam361, gasm88, flapmasterflap и 2 другим нравится это.