1. 😎 👍

Emily DiDonato

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем test217, 10 сен 2014.

  1. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    i tell him to make screenshot from the vid
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  2. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    we are not going to buy this right now at this moment! 300 bucks it is a lot of money.he tell he has 17 photos and 4 vids.i personally saw 6-7 photos on internet so the main thing is a videos.we need to know how long is this videos.
    HBoss нравится это.
  3. fearghas

    fearghas New Member

    I count 21 photos in the screen caps- i heard there was over 40 photos and about the same amount of videos as you said (4).

    No way of confirming this. Can't he send you screen caps of the vids with her face confirming its her-plus a couple of nude images of her to prove he has them?

    I think it would be best to wait it out with the hackers and see, then, if not, we can buy.

    What i don't understand is-why the fuck haven't the hackers leaked her? They've leaked just as many unimportant names-why not hers?
    HBoss нравится это.
  4. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    there are a couple of reasons
    first she is not really famouse
    second the material is very good/or very bad
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  5. fearghas

    fearghas New Member

    Yeah dude, but thats what i mean-have you seen some of the other names on the list?

    Who the fuck are they? Just as unknown as her.

    I have a feeling they could be really good. Thats why the hackers are holding out. I wonder if there will be part 4 released tomorrow.

    Did he say what the nude images contained? Is anything explicit?
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 6 апр 2017
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  6. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    lenght of a videos
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  7. fearghas

    fearghas New Member

    Is that seconds?
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  8. Ollrich1

    Ollrich1 Active Member

    I guess it's measured in decades -.-'
    HBoss и gonzo69er нравится это.
  9. fearghas

    fearghas New Member

    Well we can dream....
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  10. Crouchie

    Crouchie Gold Member

  11. lyurealm

    lyurealm Member

    Let's be serious, c'mon. The first pic isn't even of her.
    Our offer should be like $150 if he gives us REAL proof.
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  12. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    i agree
    first pic not her but this pic in the set
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  13. ahmetbarut

    ahmetbarut New Member

    She is friend of her... Adrianna bach
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  14. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    guys someone have all material
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  15. ote7

    ote7 Active Member

    Never pay for porn... Ever. I don't care who it is... Never. They'll come out eventually.
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  16. lyurealm

    lyurealm Member

    How much for it?
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 6 апр 2017
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  17. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    dont know
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  18. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    new leaks guys
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  19. lyurealm

    lyurealm Member

    Yet another week without Emily DiDonato leaks... T_T
    supertiler и HBoss нравится это.
  20. unclejohn

    unclejohn New Member

    first vid was leaked
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