1. 😎 👍

Helen Flanagan (Needs Confirming)

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем Thomas1701, 11 май 2018.

  1. bez

    bez Well-Known Member

    Modelling shoot.
    MeltedButtercup нравится это.
  2. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    Probably because I add more content than insults. And the people complaining are themselves on their multiple profiles due to bans for doing nowt but trolling other users....? Just an idea...
    CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  3. FeJoke2009

    FeJoke2009 New Member

    Go fuck a dishwasher you sock sucker fucker
  4. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    hey look everyone... the two forum trolls ganging up on me now.... he he. sad sack sorry losers, both of them. :D
  5. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    The same day you tell your fag boyfriend? Don't make assumptions, you're dangerous enough just inventing truths about me as it is... IGNORE on!
  6. JayBradd

    JayBradd Member

    Homophobic as well. What a great guy you are.

    Maybe spend an hour off of this forum one day and reflect on what sort of person you are and how you can change yourself for the better.
    Muller777 нравится это.
  7. Hoggzilla89

    Hoggzilla89 Member

    Growing men arguing about photos, I love this forum
    hammertime4444 и Billy93/93 нравится это.
  8. Keep hazing the newbies bro lol
  9. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    You know as well as I do that neither of them are newbies..??!! Both just trolls who keep coming back under new names, hence their low post counts. If you can't see that blc, then you're awfully naive.
    blacklondonchap и CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  10. FeJoke2009

    FeJoke2009 New Member

    Can we seriously ban Pharaoh for homophibia

    Crapper do your fucking job you dickweseal and I command you to ban him
    JayBradd нравится это.
  11. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    He means homophobia.... can't even spell the word he wants me banned for... END!
  12. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    Homophibia is WAY worse than homophobia.
    hcamp и PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  13. Beth22

    Beth22 Active Member

    Phones still charging, I suppose
    PharoahEgypt и CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  14. JayBradd

    JayBradd Member

    I think you need to change your methodology a bit there. Most people have low post counts on a forum like this because most people aren't absolute losers who spend their lives on a porno forum like you.

    901 posts, have a fucking word with yourself ffs
    Muller777 нравится это.
  15. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    Reckon I'd rather post here 900 times than have an account name that shows everyone that I stalked for ages...

    bez, PharoahEgypt и JayBrad нравится это.
  16. JayBradd

    JayBradd Member

    Your ignorance knows no bounds. It was he who originally stole my name and dragged it through the mud with his paedophilic outbursts.
  17. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    We can all see you've only been a member since February you whopper
    CrappersTinyCock нравится это.
  18. JayBradd

    JayBradd Member

    Because I forgot the password to my old account you dirty little nonce.

    Been on Vola recently? Seems like I'm not the only one to have you pegged for what you are.
  19. Wallbanger

    Wallbanger New Member

    Can we have some proper leaks please!
  20. CrappersTinyCock

    CrappersTinyCock Active Member

    Hell no. These delusional fuckwits posting fakes that they don't realise are fakes while they argue with themselves is the best this site has ever been. Fucking epic.