1. 😎 👍

Holly Willoughby

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем Troy91, 7 окт 2014.

  1. Robbo851

    Robbo851 Member

    HanSolofn2187 нравится это.
  2. Joe Bradshaw

    Joe Bradshaw Active Member

    I was just speaking to a b/tard who said they were 100% fake, had no evidence to back it up other than there being no moles visible on LQ airbrushed pics. He did say that there were more bikini photos posted on there last night though...Anyone got those???

    SHERIFF Member

    We need more
    HanSolofn2187 нравится это.
  4. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    I'm not claiming these are 100% real, I'm just passing on the only things I have found after a few days hunting different sites. I'm not in any secret boards or groups though so we need the inside line.
    Robbo851 нравится это.
  5. Robbo851

    Robbo851 Member

    Appreciate the work you've put in
    BigJohn3 нравится это.
  6. STARMAN77622

    STARMAN77622 New Member

    A lot of trolls on 4chan. Think it's over for now
  7. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    Regarding the bikini pics, pages on 4Chan are getting closed down all the time so it is a case of grabbing what you can before they go. Not seen any other Holly pics and it has been my main focus when searching.
  8. Joe Bradshaw

    Joe Bradshaw Active Member

    I'm not disagreeing with you. Just reporting what I heard, that there are more that have been posted already. Also, it might be worth checking her social media to see if that white board features anywhere. I'll have a look in a sec
  9. Johnsnow1991

    Johnsnow1991 Member

    What are you guys searching for when looking on 4chan?
  10. Joe Bradshaw

    Joe Bradshaw Active Member

    We're not, it's constantly updating. You need to go on 4chan.org/b and look for a related thread (best to go on the catalogue view) don't hang about though things 404 quickly if there's no activity or mods decide to kill it
  11. jimmysavhead

    jimmysavhead Active Member

    Well she does have her belly button pierced....

    Even if she has got naughty pics I think she's too smart to take any with her face in them. So even if someone claims they're pics of holly, truth is we'll never know. :(
  12. paulthelegend89

    paulthelegend89 Well-Known Member

    Holly is the one out of them all since 2014 that I want to see the most
    JD12, jimmysavhead, Johnsnow1991 и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  13. Robbo851

    Robbo851 Member

    I just think she would have nicer underwear, I don't think these are her
    Billy93/93 нравится это.
  14. Harthosi

    Harthosi Well-Known Member

    Not her. Move on
    Billy93/93 нравится это.
  15. Pharaohleo

    Pharaohleo New Member

    How do you know,? I'm not saying it isn't her but i'm not saying it is either, have you got confirmation from another place?
    HanSolofn2187 и BigJohn3 нравится это.
  16. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    No he definitely knows. Can't you see from his confident words. He must know her in real life or something or maybe he's seen the real pictures.

    Anyway we'd best move on as he says. Night all.
    Pharaohleo нравится это.
  17. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    Robbo851 .... If a joke like that has to be explained then you're likely far too young to be here? lol.
  18. Robbo851

    Robbo851 Member

    Good one!
    I see you also don't know the difference between a pun and a double entendres.
  19. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    As the actual phrase 'double-entendres' doesn't actually exist, then no I didn't. Us Brits use the phrase wrongly, as the French don't recognize this supposedly French term in any form...... But to stop being smart for a few seconds.... who removed the original quip?
  20. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    For what it's worth, it is still there at 11.55am on page 2. I wish this much focus was being given to some of my actually quips rather than the piss weak one I managed there.
    For example, there was an English man, Irish man and Scots man all in a Turkish brothel.....
    PharoahEgypt нравится это.