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Kirsty Porter

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем darkomen44, 11 май 2017.

  1. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    It is, I don't think he gets it
    JakeHiding, sam361 и tyuiop нравится это.
  2. Rjfc

    Rjfc New Member

    Amazing pics of a bona-fide hottie
  3. That's what made me always assume it's satire, Muslims take themselves way too seriously to reference Team America. Also, a "Muzzie" is pretty much Scouse slang for moustache.
    "Look at deh muzzie on dat fat lass our kid..."
  4. Geezercid

    Geezercid New Member

    ME TOO, but then i thought about how people are on the internet, the fact they are their true selves when anonymous, so CJihad is really full of sexist, racist, hateful and murderous individuals
  5. Geezercid

    Geezercid New Member

    as if Muzzie is only used in Newcastle, the sound (not word) has many uses around the world. In London, Muzzie means Muslim
  6. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    I think you've just insulted most people from both Liverpool and Newcastle there with your total misunderstanding of what a scouser is.

    Kudos young man
    Dan202, JayBrad и tom harrington нравится это.
  7. Thanks for your genius insight, pal. I would never have guessed muzzie would have more than one meaning.
    Besides, since when has scouse meant Newcastle dumshit?
    Dan202 нравится это.
  8. Gorhawk

    Gorhawk New Member

    Yes people on the Internet are known for being "their true selves". Just the other day I was speaking with a Nigerian Prince who is going to make me rich.

    Celeb Jihad is just a bunch of American guys posting pics of naked celebs while joking around about being Islamic extremists. If you think they are "murderous individuals" you are completely deranged.
  9. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    You mean they fake muzzies?? :eek: Blimey guvnor, & there was me thinking they wuz real Koran loving desert dwelling dudes....! o_O

    Another long time vision busted to smithereens....! :(
    Seraph-X нравится это.
  10. Seraph-X

    Seraph-X Active Member

    Another long time vision busted to smithereens....! :([/QUOTE]
    I had thought that they were real when they once described a big load of pubes as being a 'hijab for lady shamefulness'.
    PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  11. Geezercid

    Geezercid New Member

    Okay, so EveryOne from up north is a scouser on the surface.. people from Birmingham, Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds even. If you think the Liverpool accent sounds that different, you haven't spoken to enough people.

    Just like how all arabs are 'paki's' and all 'blacks' are African. This makes no sense, because most things we do don't.
    Последнее редактирование: 4 июл 2017
  12. Geezercid

    Geezercid New Member

    It's complex but we're both right, you are certainly wrong about everyone on Celeb Jihad being in character... just as I am, about them 'all' being their true selves. In reality, some comment because thats what they really think, others are in character. What's the proportion?

    More in character, i'd guess you'd say. I believe most would disagree.
    Why would you want to be a racist, sexist and barbaric muslim 'for a (recurring) hobby'?? If that's not who you really want to be. Okay Bye
  13. We
    i live just north of Birmingham and I can assure you I'm not a scouse, Asian, "muzzie", black, Hasidic Jew, peado.
    URAllFggts, BigJohn3 и PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  14. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    Me either; & I live in the heartland of Brum. White, athiest, aging disgracefully. But not any of the above either......
  15. BigJohn3

    BigJohn3 Active Member

    If you genuinely think that the posters on Celebjihad are anything other than 100% playing a character, in fact a one dimensional charicature, of the commonly held western paranoid perception that all Arabic and Muslim men are all terrorists in hiding, thrn you are a fool.

    It is the USP of the site and a joke. Is it a funny joke? Not really but it gets them plenty of attention and web traffic so it works for them, especially when people like you take it at face value and swallow it whole!
    URAllFggts нравится это.
  16. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    The fuck are you talkin about
    BigJohn3 нравится это.
  17. pizza75

    pizza75 New Member

    Fucks sake, just get your cocks out and wank over these famous idiots.
  18. toadboy1985

    toadboy1985 Active Member

  19. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

  20. BnW1865

    BnW1865 Member