1. 😎 👍

Michelle Keegan?!

Тема в разделе "Celebrity Leaked Photos", создана пользователем jsfapper, 9 окт 2014.

  1. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    Crapper gets away with stuff for the reason of it being HIS place; not just because he posts a lot....! :confused:
    Mikeymac594 и bez нравится это.
  2. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    why don't you check the members list at top of page, in the tabs.... he's admin number one. from saudi arabia. :rolleyes:

    helps if you talk with full details before making statements with little substance.;)
  3. berba9

    berba9 Member

    some people really need to lighten up. theres tons of porn and celeb porn etc. if you choose to get excited over a comment you need to chill lol.
  4. Terra000

    Terra000 Member

    What is Phun? Never heard of it.
  5. Joe Bradshaw

    Joe Bradshaw Active Member

    Since I know it doesn't come up on the first page of Google I'll give you a sensible answer, but you better not be trolling me!!
    It's probably the best forum for celeb content. It's at phun.org Take a look. Leaked pictures are normally in the 'celebrity extra' section.
    Terra000 и DixMarty нравится это.
  6. joeblow1234567891

    joeblow1234567891 New Member

    waiting on her movie. its been in productions for a long time. she is supposed to be topless in it
  7. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    first i've heard of this..? thought she was still finishing off the rest of season 3 of our girl?? we've had four eps, but still eight to follow apparently..?
  8. joeblow1234567891

    joeblow1234567891 New Member

    Its called Strangeways Here We Come

    PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  9. Jack_1988

    Jack_1988 Active Member

    Can’t see it being her though, body double I expect.
  10. joeblow1234567891

    joeblow1234567891 New Member

    I dont think so. If I remember correctly I read an article that said it was her. Something about wanting to be known for other stuff besides coronation.
  11. Jack_1988

    Jack_1988 Active Member

    Has it been filmed yet? Surely the pic would of dropped by now
  12. joeblow1234567891

    joeblow1234567891 New Member

    i'm not really sure whats going on with the movie but i'm waiting impatiently lol.
  13. JayBrad

    JayBrad Well-Known Member

    Are you sure? I've never heard anything about it, they said she'd be topless in our girl but it never showed anything
  14. storrmin

    storrmin Active Member

    The only cunt we will see here is her husband
    hammertime4444 нравится это.
  15. Joe Bradshaw

    Joe Bradshaw Active Member

    Insightful. Thanks for bumping the thread to let us all know
    joeblow1234567891 нравится это.
  16. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    Funny story: my comment (the one you were replying to) got deleted for "spam" by the only person with mod status who ever visits here. Funny how criticising Crapper gets an insta-ban, isnt it? Especially when we get trolls making new accounts just to spam threads and profiles and nothing gets done about them.

    Looks like I hit too close to home when I called him insecure, dont it?
    PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  17. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    no one likes to be called names.... lol.

    the powers that be here do though seem to be beyond reproach.
  18. DixMartie

    DixMartie Well-Known Member

    Funny thing about this Josh guy is that the person he used to be obsessed with is still here. But Josh doesnt know who it is.

    Josh, I saw the messages you sent begging him for dick pics. They were funny as fuck. You need help dude.
    SuperPaul1287 и PharoahEgypt нравится это.
  19. PharoahEgypt

    PharoahEgypt Well-Known Member

    Someone who gives more of a flying fuck than myself might be offended by such a snide remark....

    I'll just laugh at the childish ass-hat
  20. Ice Pop

    Ice Pop Well-Known Member

    We should just create a bullshit thread to allow everyone to rant and get whatever they want off their chest instead of stinking up every other thread around here.
    aeroscotty, JayBrad и hammertime4444 нравится это.