Inge de Bruijn is single and will be dating naked on the VIP version of the Dutch show “Adam Zkt Eva” (Adam searches for Eve) on May 25, 2017. Inge de Bruijn is a Dutch former competitive swimmer. She is a four-time Olympic champion and a former world record-holder. Age: 43.
Thanks to The Cardinal for info!
Holy shit! That is an incredible body!
Never heard of her but appears to be in pretty good shape for 43 😮
dutch, olympic gold winner, ex-swimmer
Her unbelieveable body makes me jerk off so bad
Perfect fucking body
Finally, a woman worth banging one out for
3s not good enuf. need at least a good 2 3 mins.
The programme is on in 3 days, I’m sure more footage will come out then…
She is 43 but has got fucking an adorable body
She is 4-time Olympic swimming champion!!!!. And….. she is from my country: The Kingdom of the Netherlands.
no one cares if youre from Vi’king’dom. we jus wanna see her pussy and asshole(and maybe slip a lil something into it).
go back to school
im guessing you are a US citizen due to the ignorance of world geography
maybe skip bygender classes this time around
Next thursday the episode wil air.
Google search inge de bruijn adam zoekt eva 😉
One smoking hot Olympic champion!
Where was this vid from? Is there more?
It’s making my day, wow
no ass
She’s perfect…
perfect. She looks amazing for 43.
what everyone of these guys said^^^^
I want to eat her cunt.
Nice pussy
You idiots have low standards.
That ho’s hip bones stick out wider than her ass jelly
Awkward freak body. You guys breed wif that shit? LOL
yOu idIotS have lOw staNdarDs.
tHat ho’s hiP boNeS stiCk outlT widEr thAn hEr aSs jellY
awkwArd frEAk bOdy. yoU guYs breEd wiF tHaT sHiT? LoL
what he said^^
What is the context? Is she a naturist?
Does anyone have a link to the full episode?
close to perfect 9 />
You have the iq of a sandal
Healthy girl, such a tight fit body!
ЯП фдул ага
Не дала бы, 100% 🙂 Если только не Яповские 45 см – тогда всё может быть )))
ЯП тоже
Very nice that she dared to show EVERY cubic mm of her nude body!