Nicki Minaj (7 Sexy Photos)

Here’re new sexy photos of Nicki Minaj from Paris – Instagram, 03/06/2017.  Onika Maraj (stage name Nicki Minaj) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Age – 34 (December 8, 1982).


10 thoughts on “Nicki Minaj (7 Sexy Photos)

    1. asasd

      She’s from Trinidad you uneducated moron, of course the names will seem different.

      American names seem fucking retarded to others since they all have meanings in other languages and have religious ties.

    2. AJ

      Oh yes, nothing like decent proper white names like Sara, Sue, Mary Jane, Kate or your momma’s name “Redneck”. Where are the good old days when those negros were simply given names by your forefathers. You must really miss those days, don’t you?


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