Demi Lovato Naked (2 Photos)

Demi Lovato Naked 2 Photos.



14 thoughts on “Demi Lovato Naked (2 Photos)

  1. Thesearefake

    These images are fakes. The tattoos are on the wrong arm.

    Left arm = stay + lips
    Right arm = stong + faith + birds

      1. Thesearefake

        Not likely. Selfies would not cause the flip. Even the body tattoo is on the wrong side as well.

        These are plain and simple fakes.

        1. Thesearefake

          Actually I stand corrected. There is one way it can be real if a mirror was used. The first one is likely what was used. Second as you mentioned selfie flips the image.

          1. fuckingmoronicassfuck

            Wow you are unbelievably stupid. And even AFTER your stupidity was pointed out to you, you continued down your path of self-righteous idiocy. Congratulations you ought to win a Darwin Award you dumb fuck.

    1. You fucktard

      Phones and such flip self images or selfies so that it looks right to the person taking the image, therefore the tattoos being on the wrong arms is because the images are flipped by the camera.

    2. CraigYorker

      Hey it’s very unlikely that there’s someone with the exact same tattoos Demi Lovato has but on the other side

  2. Hannah

    Fake. Her cross tattoo is on her right hand, not left and her side tattoo is supposed to say you make me beautiful which it doesn’t and the feathers are much bigger.

  3. xxx


    all amped up for a fat average (at best) mexicunt.
    if you left the house once in a while, you’d see hundreds of these everyday,
    and if you wash, dress yourself reasonably, they might fuck you too.


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